A Different Timeline - Yuna

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Once upon a transient timeline, Yuna, the sparkling idol of ITZY, found herself entwined in the threads of an unforeseen destiny. Her world, usually set to the rhythm of soaring melodies and the adoring shouts of fans, shifted quietly as she slumbered. It wasn't the roar of the crowd or the call of the stage that stirred her from her dreams, but the unsettling silence of an unfamiliar morning.

The golden light cascading through the window was not of Seoul where she fell asleep but of a place unmarked on any map of her reality. She sat up, heart racing, as the warmth of shared sheets was replaced by a cold, stark emptiness beside her. Panic fluttered in her chest; where was Jaiden, the love of her life?

Yuna and Jaiden's love had been the kind that twinkled brighter than any stage lights, a serendipitous collision of two souls amidst the chaos of the entertainment world. He was not of her world, a non-celebrity with eyes like still ocean waters, kind and steady. They had promised each other that come what may, the cacophony of her idol life would never drown out their symphony for two.

But this silent room was devoid of him, and with every heartbeat, the dread sank deeper. She remembered his smile, the twirl of dances they'd shared in their modest living room, and his voice, a melody that played on the quiet nights after the curtains fell and the fans departed.

Scouting the room, Yuna found markers of a life similar yet distinctly not hers. Certificates of her solo career adorned the walls, trophies bearing only her name glistened in the morning light. Her phone lay beside her, unfamiliar notifications from apps she'd never used pinging incessantly.

Yuna tentatively opened a message app, her fingers trembling as she typed Jaiden's name. No results. Her heart skipped a beat, every ounce of her yearning to find some trace of him, any evidence that they had once carved memories together in the universe. Were they all just dreams?

Desperation fueling her courage, Yuna ventured outside. The world buzzed around her, ignorant of the cosmic mistake that seemed to have been made. She walked the streets, searching every face for a glimpse of Jaiden—but she was met with the same outcome, a sea of strangers.

Days turned to weeks as Yuna lived in this timeline that was hers and yet was not. She rose to the challenge of her solo career, her performances tinged with a melancholic passion that endeared her even more to the fans. They saw in her eyes a story unfolding, a quest for something inexplicably lost, a longing that resonated with the parts of their own hearts that clung to lost loves and whispered what-ifs.

Oddly, she began spotting hints of Jaiden—glimpses of someone with the same gait walking ahead, the echo of a laugh so much like his own, the brush of a touch against her skin that felt achingly familiar. Hope fluttered within her, a delicate flame refusing to be snuffed out. Was the universe leaving breadcrumbs, or was her longing painting mirages in her path?

She poured her heart into her music, writing lyrics that told stories of love disappearing and reappearing, songs that spanned timelines and realities. If her voice could reach across the expanse of time and space, perhaps one day, it would reach Jaiden.

And then, as suddenly as they had vanished, the pieces fell into place. During a performance of her latest hit, "Threads of Time", with lyrics that stretched out to lost loves, Yuna felt the fabric of reality quiver. As the last note left her lips, she looked out into the crowd, and there he was—Jaiden, his eyes locking with hers across a multitude of bodies and the expanse of her longing, a look of recognition and ache mirrored on his face.

After the show, with a temerity borne of love that had overcome impossibilities, Yuna made her way through the labyrinth backstage to the spot where she had seen him. There, leaning against the wall, stood Jaiden—a bit older, eyes filled with stories of searching and not finding until this very moment.

They didn't need words; their embrace spoke volumes. Tears mingled, testaments to the ache of separate lifelines that had somehow, miraculously converged once more. Yuna learned that in this timeline, Jaiden awoke one day to her disappearance, her absence a gaping wound in a reality that had forgotten her.

"Never again," they promised, as they had in every other version of their lives they were now certain they had lived. Their love, it seemed, was a force beyond the constraints of time and space, a melody that would always find its harmony.

With Jaiden's return, Yuna's fears dissolved into the background, mere shadows against the brilliance of their reunited flame. As Yuna of ITZY continued to light up the stage, Jaiden's unwavering presence was a testament to their transcendent bond—a romance rekindled across timelines, a symphony composed by the universe itself—and this time, nothing could tear them apart.

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