Tutor Pt1 - Mina

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It was a cloudy afternoon at Ridgewood High, and Jaiden sat in his usual spot in the library, hidden under his favorite hoodie. He liked it that way—it was easier to be invisible when you made an effort. Principal Bradley pulled out the armless wooden chair facing him and sat down.

"Jaiden, I need your help."

Jaiden barely lifted an eyebrow. "With what?"

"It’s about Mina Myoui."

Just the name was enough to make him roll his eyes. Mina was the queen bee of the school, constantly surrounded by her entourage of minions.

"Why would I want to help her?" Jaiden asked, already disinterested.

Principal Bradley took a deep breath. "She's failing, Jaiden. If she doesn’t pass her final exams, she'll have to repeat her last year. You know what kind of impact that could have on her future."

"Not my problem," Jaiden mumbled, focusing on his book.

"What if I made it worth your while?" The Principal leaned closer. "Extra credits, or perhaps leniency on your attendance?"

Jaiden sighed. "Fine. But only because I don’t want to repeat this conversation again."


Later that day, Mina swaggered into the library for their first session. She dragged a chair loudly, making a point of her unwillingness.

"So, Mr. Hoodie Genius, how are we doing this?" she drawled sarcastically.

"By you shutting up and listening for once," Jaiden quipped, already feeling the beginning of a headache.

"Oh, so snappy!" Mina mocked, flipping her hair dramatically.

An hour went by with Mina throwing snide remarks, testing Jaiden's patience. Finally, he'd had enough.

"You know what?" Jaiden stood up abruptly, his chair scraping loudly. "I don’t need this. Figure it out yourself."

Mina looked stunned as Jaiden stormed out. It was rare to see anyone stand up to her, and even rarer for her to actually care about it.

Later that night, Mina found herself brooding over what happened. She hadn't noticed it before, but Jaiden had these striking green eyes that stayed with her long after he left. The next day, she caught him by his locker.

"Hey, Jaiden," she began softly. "I’m sorry. I was a jerk yesterday."

Jaiden glanced at her warily. "What do you want, Mina?"

"I want to try again. I really need your help," she admitted, her voice almost a whisper.

Jaiden sighed. "Alright, but you better not waste my time."

As days passed, the study sessions changed. Mina actually listened, and Jaiden found himself talking more. One evening, she looked at him differently.

"You know, those hoodies don’t do you justice," she teased softly.

"Oh yeah?" Jaiden smirked. "And what does me 'justice?'"

Mina blushed. "Maybe this." She reached out, pulling down the hood. His face, usually hidden, was clearly handsome.

Jaiden felt the flutter too, a sensation he had never associated with Mina before.

"Just focus on the studies, Mina," he said, more gently this time, both aware of the electric moment passing between them.

What started as a tumultuous arrangement turned into something neither of them saw coming, filled with unexpected smiles, shared secrets, and more than a few butterflies in their stomachs.

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