Taken for Granted - Tzuyu

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Once in the luminous world of K-pop, Jaiden and Tzuyu found each other. Jaiden, a rising solo artist with a voice like velvet, met Tzuyu, the graceful member of the renowned group Twice, at a music award show. A glance was all it took for sparks to fly, and soon, they were the industry's beloved couple.

Their romance was public and adored, fans shipping them with passionate enthusiasm. They attended events hand in hand, their eyes always searching for one another amidst the noise.

But as time passed, the pressures of their careers started to grow immense. Tzuyu was often away on tours, and Jaiden's studio sessions ran late into the night. The time they used to set aside for each other began to dwindle.

"I'm sorry, Jaiden, I have to rehearse. Can we talk later?" Tzuyu's texts became more frequent.

"Sure, we'll catch up when you're free," Jaiden would always respond, a pang in his heart but a smile on his lips.

Jaiden started feeling the distance but believed that love would endure the trials of their careers. He wrote songs about Tzuyu, filling the void with melodies that spoke of her.

However, Tzuyu, caught up in the whirlwind of fame, scarcely noticed Jaiden's attempts to bridge the gap. The small moments they once cherished became rare and scattered.

"Why don't you ever make time for us?" Jaiden finally voiced his concerns during one of their rare video calls. The strain in his voice was evident.

Tzuyu sighed, "I love you, but being part of Twice...it's consuming, Jaiden. You know how much this means to me."

"And what do I mean to you, Tzuyu?" Jaiden's question lingered in the digital air, unanswered.

Days turned to weeks, and messages became shorter. Tzuyu's affection, once bright like the stage lights, faded into the background.

One evening, at another grand event, they crossed paths. Jaiden's smile didn't quite reach his eyes. Tzuyu saw the pain she had ignored for so long.

"Tzuyu, we're drifting apart." Jaiden's voice broke the cacophony of camera clicks.

"I know, I thought...I thought we could handle it," Tzuyu whispered, her heart heavy with unspoken regret.

Jaiden took a breath, "I can't be the only one trying. I love you, Tzuyu, but love shouldn't be one-sided."

Tzuyu watched him walk away, her vision blurred by unshed tears.

Months passed. Tzuyu brushed off the aching emptiness, throwing herself into her music. But the hollowness followed her onto the stage, into her songs.

It was starting to dawn on her—Jaiden's absence was a chasm she couldn't fill. The realization hit her like the poignant lyrics of a ballad he once wrote for her.

She reached out, texting, "Jaiden, can we talk?"

His reply was gentle, "We can be friends, Tzuyu, but that chapter has closed."

It was then she comprehended the depths of Jaiden's love, a love she realized she had taken for granted. It was indeed too late—their romance was now a melancholic composition, a tale of what once was and what could no longer be.

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