Unplanned Love - Yuna

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Jaiden and Yuna were both excited and nervous as they stepped onto the campus of their new university. Freshmen year was a big step, and the excitement of starting a new chapter was palpable. However, the excitement quickly turned to surprise and frustration when they discovered that due to a housing mix-up, they were assigned to be roommates.

"This must be a mistake," Jaiden said, looking at the dorm assignment slip in his hand.

"You think? They can’t expect us to share a room," Yuna replied, her annoyance evident.

Despite their initial attempts to get reassigned, the housing office was firm. There were no other rooms available, and they would have to make do for the semester. Begrudgingly, they moved their belongings into their shared dorm room.

"Just stay out of my way, and we won’t have any problems," Jaiden muttered as he unpacked.

"Fine by me," Yuna shot back. "But keep your stuff on your side. I don’t want your mess invading my space."

The first few weeks were filled with constant bickering. Jaiden was organized to a fault, while Yuna had a more relaxed approach to tidiness. Their clashing personalities led to arguments over everything from music volume to whose turn it was to take out the trash.

"Yuna, can you please turn that music down? I’m trying to study!" Jaiden exclaimed one day.

"It’s not even that loud, Jaiden. Besides, it’s the middle of the day. Find a library if you need quiet," Yuna retorted.

One evening, after another heated argument over dirty dishes, something shifted. They both sat in silence, exhausted from their constant fighting. Yuna broke the silence.

"You know, this isn’t how I imagined my freshman year would start," Yuna said softly.

"Yeah, me neither. I guess we’re stuck with each other for now. Maybe we should try to find some common ground?" Jaiden suggested.

"Agreed. How about we set some ground rules and try to stick to them?" Yuna offered.

As they started to talk more openly, they began to understand each other better. Jaiden learned that Yuna’s seemingly carefree attitude masked her anxiety about being away from home for the first time. Yuna discovered that Jaiden’s need for order was his way of coping with the pressures of his demanding course load.

Their bickering slowly turned into friendly banter, and they started to enjoy each other’s company. Movie marathons became a regular thing, and soon, they were spending more time together outside of their dorm as well. Study sessions, lunch breaks, and late-night conversations became the norm.

One Saturday night, they were watching a movie in their room. Yuna leaned on Jaiden, and his arm was comfortably around her shoulders. It felt natural, as if they had always been this close. As the movie played, they both started to realize how much they had come to mean to each other.

"You know, I never thought I’d actually enjoy having a roommate," Yuna said softly, her head resting on Jaiden's shoulder.

"Same here," Jaiden replied, his voice equally soft. "I’m glad it turned out this way."

They fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts. Slowly but surely, they had fallen for each other’s charms. As the movie continued, neither of them said anything more about their feelings. They simply accepted what was happening, enjoying the warmth and comfort of being close.

Before long, they both drifted off to sleep, Yuna nestled against Jaiden, his arm securely around her. They woke up the next morning, still in each other’s arms, realizing that they had crossed a new threshold in their relationship.

"Morning," Yuna murmured, blinking sleepily.

"Morning," Jaiden replied, smiling gently. "How did you sleep?"

"Better than I have in a long time," Yuna admitted, a shy smile playing on her lips.

"Me too," Jaiden said, giving her a gentle squeeze. "Maybe we should do this more often."

"I’d like that," Yuna agreed, her smile widening.

They both knew that their feelings had deepened into something more than friendship. It was unspoken but understood. As they got ready for the day, they were both excited about what the future held, knowing that whatever came their way, they would face it together.

And so, their journey continued, filled with love, understanding, and the promise of a beautiful future together.

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