Can we start over? - Yuna

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Jaiden brushed a strand of hair from his forehead, his gaze lost in the city's flickering lights. The rooftop deck, once their secret rendezvous, now felt like a stage for ghosts of promises past. He turned as the door creaked open. Yuna stepped out, her silhouette painting a serene picture against the skyline they once dreamt of conquering together.

“It’s been a long time, Jaiden,” Yuna’s voice was a whisper, but to him, it roared above the urban symphony.

“Three years…” Jaiden’s voice trailed, “Feels like a different lifetime.” His eyes met hers, a tapestry of nostalgia and yearning weaved within.

Yuna walked closer, the distance between them reminiscent of their dreams—close enough to touch, always a step too far. “I heard your song on the radio,” she confessed. “It felt like it was about us.”

“It was,” Jaiden admitted, the confessions slipping like twilight shadows. “Leaving you was the hardest part of chasing my dream.”

Yuna’s eyes shimmered, reflecting a galaxy of what-ifs. “I used to wonder if we could have both—our dreams and us.”

He reached for her hand, the contact a spark rekindling old flames. “Maybe we were just too… scared?”

“Or maybe we needed to grow apart to grow at all,” Yuna suggested, fingers entwining with his.

A breeze danced around them, as if urging them closer. Jaiden exhaled a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Can we start over? Do you think the stars would be kinder this time?”

Yuna’s laugh was like the melody of spring. “Perhaps they’re just waiting for us to make our own constellation.”

Their gazes locked, and for a heartbeat, the city held its breath.

“Yuna, I—”

“Shh, don’t,” Yuna pressed a finger to his lips, a knowing smile curving her own. “Let’s not make promises this time. Let’s just be.”

And so, between the twilight and the city’s heartbeat, Jaiden and Yuna found their world woven in each other's arms again, not with vows, but with a silent pledge to embrace the moment, and perhaps, a future unfurling one day at a time.

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