Late Night - Mina

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Jaiden and Mina had been friends for years. They were the kind of friends who shared everything: music, books, and long conversations about everything and nothing at all. But something had shifted lately, an imperceptible change that had been tugging at Jaiden's heart whenever Mina smiled or laughed.

It was a cool, breezy evening when Jaiden mustered the courage to change the terms of their friendship. They had been sitting on a bench in the park, watching people pass by in the fading light.

"You know," Jaiden began, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, "I've always wondered what it would be like to wander around the convenience store at night. You know, just walk through the aisles and not worry about the rush of the day."

Mina turned to him with a playful glint in her eyes, the city lights reflecting in them. "That does sound oddly romantic, in a modern sort of way," she teased.

Jaiden's heart was racing. He was half-serious, half-joking, but her response gave him hope. "Well, what if we go now? Just a random late-night adventure. We could get some snacks, chat about our favorite books, and enjoy the peace of the night?"

The corners of Mina's lips curled into a soft smile, her voice barely above a whisper. "That sounds lovely, Jaiden. Let's do it."

They walked to the nearby convenience store, their steps in sync. The bell chimed as they entered the brightly lit space, sparsely populated by a couple of late-night customers. They meandered through the aisles, laughter bubbling up from their chests as they commented on the oddities they found.

"Do you think anyone actually buys these?" Mina held up a quirky snack, her eyes dancing with mirth.

"Only to find someone to go on a midnight convenience store date with," Jaiden quipped back. The ease between them was both new and familiar.

They chose a small basket of snacks and drinks, and Mina insisted on paying, with Jaiden promising to cover the next spontaneous outing. They left the store and started walking aimlessly, drawn towards an empty park.

Mina settled on a bench, her head tilting back to gaze at the stars peeking through the urban skyline. Jaiden sat beside her, his heart pounding a fierce rhythm.

"You know," Mina said, "I never thought a convenience store could be this romantic."

Jaiden drew in a deep breath, mustering the courage that brought him here tonight. "Mina, there is something I need to tell you," he said, turning to face her.

She looked at him, the softness in her gaze encouraging him to continue.

"I've always loved our friendship. But, I think I want more." His voice wavered slightly, the vulnerability raw and real. "I like you, Mina. More than just a friend. And tonight... just felt right to tell you."

Mina's hand found his, her fingers intertwining with his gently. "Jaiden," she whispered, her voice warm and full of emotion, "I've felt it too. This shift between us. I was scared it was just me, that it might ruin our friendship. But I also want more."

Their eyes locked, hearts in harmony, and the world shrank to the space between them. As they leaned in, their lips met in a sweet, tentative kiss—soft, fluffy feelings enveloping them under the veil of the night sky. The convenience store date was spontaneous, but their connection? It was timeless.

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