A Stage of Love - Tzuyu

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Jaiden glanced around the bustling auditorium, feeling out of place. Every face was new, except one. He couldn't quite remember where he'd seen her before. The girl walked with grace, her face illuminated by an ethereal glow—Tzuyu from Twice.

"Romeo and Juliet?" he mumbled, scanning the list of plays.

"Yeah, not my first choice either," a melodic voice spoke beside him. It was Tzuyu, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I guess we're stuck with it."

"Guess we are," Jaiden shrugged, extending his hand. "I'm Jaiden."

"Tzuyu," she replied, shaking his hand with a smile that Jaiden found hard to ignore.

Rehearsals commenced, and they found themselves cast as the ill-fated lovers. As weeks went by, they spent hours practicing lines, working on stage decor, and naturally, learning about each other. The more time they spent together, the harder it became to keep their growing feelings hidden.

One late evening after rehearsal, when the auditorium was almost empty, Jaiden found Tzuyu painting a backdrop.

"Need any help?" he asked, grabbing a brush.

"Thanks, Romeo," she teased, handing him a paint palette. "I could use a hand."

As they painted side by side, Jaiden accidentally brushed Tzuyu's hand, leaving paint splotches. They laughed, their eyes meeting in a moment that seemed to last forever.

"You know," Tzuyu began softly, "this play... it's more than just grades now."

Jaiden felt it too but he hesitated, simply nodding. "Yeah, more than grades."

The days flew by, their bond growing stronger. Eventually, the night of the play arrived. Jaiden, dressed as Romeo, saw Tzuyu approaching in her Juliet costume. She took his breath away.

"Ready?" he asked, trying to conceal his racing heart.

"Only if you are," she replied, her eyes locked onto his.

As the play unfolded, their chemistry was palpable, their words dripping with genuine emotion. The final scene approached—the heart-wrenching end. Tzuyu lay in Jaiden's arms, and he recited his lines with a tear rolling down his cheek. The audience erupted in applause, giving them a standing ovation.

Backstage, still in each other's arms and catching their breaths, reality washed over them.

"Tzuyu," Jaiden whispered, "I think this play showed me something real."

"Me too, Jaiden," she whispered back. "I think I've fallen in love."

With that confession, their lips met in a tender, lingering kiss, sealing the unexpected yet beautiful love they had found in the most unlikely of places—amid lines, lights, and a timeless tale.

The weeks that followed were a whirlwind of bliss for Jaiden and Tzuyu. They spent every spare moment together, exploring the campus, sharing their dreams and fears, and deepening their bond. Jaiden found himself falling harder for Tzuyu with each passing day, grateful for the serendipity that had brought them together.

One sunny afternoon, as they sat beneath a sprawling oak tree on campus, Tzuyu turned to Jaiden with a serious expression.

"Jaiden, there's something I need to tell you," she began, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I... I'm not sure how you'll react, but I need you to know."

Jaiden felt a pang of anxiety in his chest. "What is it, Tzuyu? You can tell me anything."

Taking a deep breath, Tzuyu met his gaze. "I'm not just a student here. I'm also a part-time caregiver at a local nursing home."

Jaiden's heart swelled with admiration. "That's amazing, Tzuyu. You have such a caring heart."

Tzuyu smiled, relief flooding her features. "Thank you, Jaiden. I was worried you might see it as a burden."

"Never," Jaiden replied, taking her hand in his. "It only makes me admire you more."

Their love continued to blossom, with each day bringing new adventures and discoveries. Jaiden couldn't imagine his life without Tzuyu by his side, and he knew that he never wanted to.

As their college days drew to a close, Jaiden and Tzuyu stood together, gazing out at the horizon.

"Can you believe we met because of a play?" Jaiden mused, wrapping an arm around Tzuyu's waist.

Tzuyu leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. "It's funny how life works out sometimes. I'm just grateful that it brought me to you."

Jaiden pressed a kiss to her forehead, his heart overflowing with love. "I love you, Tzuyu. Forever and always."

"I love you too, Jaiden," Tzuyu whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "Forever and always."

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