Prom - Yuna

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In the small town of Rosedale, the high school prom was the event of the year, woven with excitement and anticipation. Jaiden, with his trademark cocky smile and jet-black hair, was the unofficial ringleader of the popular crew. Not your typical jock, but rather a charming prankster, he moved through the halls with an air of confidence that drew eyes wherever he went.

In stark contrast was Yuna, branded by her thick-framed glasses and her books clutched close like lifeline physique. She floated from class to class, her presence like a whisper, her voice seldom rising above a murmur.

The night of prom arrived like a dream, stitched with the silver of moonlight and the sheen of stars. Yuna, always one to avoid the limelight, had almost resolved to skip it, but her friend Mingyu had gently nudged her towards the idea of a makeover. With trepidation, she agreed.

As the gym doors swung open, in stepped Yuna. Gone were the bulky glasses, replaced with delicate contacts that revealed her captivating almond eyes. Her dress clung to her like it was spun from moonlight, transforming her into an enchantress from the pages of a fairytale. Murmurs began to ripple through the crowd.

Jaiden, leaning against the wall with a red cup in hand, was ready with a trick up his sleeve, his eyes scouring the crowd for his favorite target. But as Yuna walked in, time seemed to stutter. Jaiden's breath hitched, his cup stilled in mid-air, and the witty remark died on his lips. He was captivated.

"Wow, Yuna?" he couldn't help but ask as she passed, his usual smirk replaced with genuine awe.

Yuna, her newfound confidence making her eyes sparkle, simply smiled back and said, "Surprised, Jaiden?"

He nodded, "You look...incredible."

The night unravelled with laughter and music swelling in the air. Jaiden watched Yuna, his mischievous nature forgotten, his heart pounding a new rhythm he was unfamiliar with. Again, their paths crossed, this time on the dance floor under the flickering lights.

Jaiden, extending a hand, asked in a voice only for Yuna, "May I have this dance?"

Yuna, with a breathless giggle, accepted. They swayed to the music, lost in a world they built together for just that moment.

Surprise turned to joy when the announcement was made: "Your Prom King and Queen are... Jaiden and Yuna!" The room exploded in cheers; even the stars outside seemed to dance in delight.

This was not how he expected this night to unfold, Jaiden mused as he shared the dance floor with Yuna, crowned and celebrated. Jaiden realized that the prom prankster's greatest trick was on himself, falling for the quiet girl who had blossomed into a princess before his eyes.

As the night drew to a close, Jaiden found Yuna gazing at the stars outside.

"They say every prom has its magic," he said, joining her.

Yuna glanced at him, a gentle smile on her lips, "I think I found mine."

And in her eyes, a galaxy away from the shy girl she once was, he found a universe he wanted to explore, without a single prank in sight.

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