chapter four: death till do us apart

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Warning: more hanging, heavy gore, some sex(?)

Lucifer's POV:

Today night, after we finished eating, I went to bed with my husband, Oswald was looking a little sadder than usual.

'Babe..what's wrong?' I asked, as he explained I was shocked. Why the fuck would she do that?!

Oswald looked so sad so I tried to cheer him up but nothing seemed to do the trick, so my dirty side came up with an idea.

I pinned him to the bed, and then he got the message.

Nate's POV:

I got myself a drink of water before I heard very loud noises.

'Oh Luc..ngh~' 'fuck~!'

And so on because I could already tell Lucifer and Oswal were having sex for the 8th time this month (I know that's like a lot)

Oswald's POV:

After a long night, I could barely remember what happened yesterday.

I got up and put on some clothes as Lucifer woke up.

'Mornin' love!' He chirped 'Hello darling.' I said half-awake as we got dressed and went downstairs and had breakfast.

Lucifer suggested going out but not too far away from here so we would still stay near the others.

No one's POV:

As the Evening passed, the two decided to grab some safety supplies and went hand-to-hand around the woods. 

Everything seemed normal until Oswald checked the bag to see if they packed everything. The killer was right there taking a stroll until he saw the two, the killer made a quick move and threw a small towel at Lucifer's face.

Lucifer fainted and the killer quickly got Lucifer and dragged him away. Oscar turned around.

'Lucifer?'  'Babe?'  'BABE?!'

he screamed but then got blacked out by the killer, who hit him with a bat. The killer dragged Oswald and Lucifer without breaking a sweat and brought them to a large tree.

First, the killer got Oswald and chopped off his arms and legs, stabbing him right where the middle of his chest was and tying him up the trunk of it with a belt. Next, they grabbed Lucifer and with their knife, they drew a smile on his face from ear to ear and threw Lucifer on a thick branch.

[My hands are shaking SO MUCH rn 😭😭]

Marko's POV:

I was out on the balcony with my boyfriend, Alan, while I smoked a cigarette.

I was getting a bit worried because Lucifer promised me he would be back at 6:38 p.m. and as I checked my phone it was... 8:38 p.m?? Where in fuck's name were they?? 

I told Alan I'd be back and got a torch. I walked around but saw nothing and no one so I went back inside.

[ Word count: 459]

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