Chapter Twenty-six - Forever and Always

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I love you

The one statement stuck in my mind.

The three words that continue to haunt me.

The 8 letters that wouldn't leave me.

His voice wouldn't leave my mind. His words kept a constant string of emotions riled up inside me, ready to burst if given the chance.

Saying I was going mad would be an understatement. I wasnt going mad.

I was mad!

Here I was hiding in the bush watching the one man stand where he always stood.

Never leaving his place. Never facing me. Never going limp.

Counting the days of how long I've been hiding here.

A mouth since I've started hiding here.

Two months, Since I graduated.

Three mouths since he first confessed to me.

My feet always wanted to head to this one park, As if it knew where it wanted to go.

I knew this man was rath. and when I asked someone why I knew who he was...

Kaine just growled and pouted, and Loki just shook it off.

Looking away from his figure My head rested in between my legs. My eyes slowly came to a shut.

Why do I want to know him...

Why can't I just drop this...

"Hey" A voice asked behind me.

I jolted from my position on the grass and looked around.

My eye shut it pain as a small gasp escaped my mouth.

Looking down at the small Thorne that wedged itself in my skin I mummbled a small Silent curse of pain.

"You know, If your going to stare at me from behind, at least try a better job of hiding." The familiar voice whisperd as the man grabbed my hand.

His sharp nails gripped the throne and in one fluent motion took it out and let his lips suckle on the blood escaping.

The man was as handsome close up, then from far away.

His lips we're clear of any if I was looking for one, His ears had a simple cross on the lobe and his red eyes...looked straight into my soul.

"I...I...I..." I stuttered.

"Did you know...Crow told me. I was insane. He said Insanity : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I guess he was wrong, Because here you are...In my grasp once again" He whispered.

His breath tickled my neck as it left the hair standing on edge.

"D...Dont..." I whisperd

"If your going to say no, resist me, tell me you don't want me, push me away, bite me, kick me. Cause if you dont, I swear, I won't be able to stop myself."

My lips quivered as my nails started to dig into his skin...but gently let go as they wrapped themselves around his cold figure.

"Every night I dreamt of you, and every night I longed for you...No matter how much my mind said body knows you, my body needs your touch, and it scares me" The words tumbled one after another out of my mouth.

"You do realize that was one big confession" His voice whisperd. He grabbed my hands pulling me up.

"NO IT WASN-.... No, I guess your right" My face started to burn, but my embarrassed smile froze.

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