Chapter Twenty-Three - The Weak can Never Forgive

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A/N : Greetings Old and new readers! <.<=>.> I Hope you are still enjoying this and is not disappointed yet :3

Chapter 23 -  The Weak can never forgive.

"Honey, wake up" A quiet voice whispered near my ear.

I tried to shut out the noise as I mumbled a small "5 more minutes"

"Honey, Come on, your father will be home any moment." The women whsiperd as she lifted me under the arms into her lap.

Looking up at the Black haired banged women I snuggled into her arms under her pale arms.

"Mommy, 5 more minutes" I whispered, my small 4 year old fingers reaching for her shirt to hold onto.

Sniffling my runny nose into her shirt.

"Honey, You were having a bad dream" She whsiperd whiping the tears that were drying away from my cheek.

"Mommy..." I mummble as I finally looked up into her dark pale grey eyes.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked brushing my light bangs away from my face.

I thought for a moment before tilting my head to the side.

"Mommy...It was....Someone...I...I dunno" I suddenly whisperd as my face went to her black T-Shirt.

"Poor Dace." My mother cooed Brushing a hand through my hair.

"When you do remember, Dont forget, Mummy is listening" She smiled letting me stand on the floor.

My toes wiggled on the cold wooden floor as I started to jump around.

Hearing the key turn from the front door I started to run forward.

"Where are you going!" Mommy yelled looking at my running figure.

"Papa is home!" I squeaked trying to pick up speed.

"Not if I beat you to him first" She cheered as I heard her footsteps catch up to mine.

"Mommy!" I screamed as she chased after my small figure.

"Come here my little munchkin!" She growled with a laugh.

Scooping me up with on big arm I was forced into a bear hug.

"Papa!" I squealed happily wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hey there squeaker!" Papa laughed out as he lifted me to sit atop the back of his neck.

My hands nestled in his bright hair as I giggled and squeaked as he ran around the table.

"Hey Honey" My laughed as he gave a kiss to mommy on the cheek.

"Hey" She giggled giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Yucky!" I squeaked out as papa set me down on a chair at the edge of the table.

"Be a good squeaker and eat your breakfeast" Papa laughed out ruffling my hair with his big hand.

A small giggle escaped my lips as I took a huge bite out of the stack of two waffles that sat infront of me.

Mommy sat down on my right as papa took a seat across from her on my left.

Mommy reached over to wipe the cream off my face, while papa took a stack twice my size of waffles as he too took a big bite.

Mommy once again reached over to clean his mouth as she laughed out a twinkling laugh that had me laughing me no time soon.

"I love mommy and papa!" I laughed out.

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