Chapter Nineteen - I Want to Love you..

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Dace's mommy

Sorry, I'm posting this from my phone, sorry for any mistakes. :) Enjoy!

----Chapter 19 - I Want To love You----

Lying atop my bed, I already knew it was hopeless for me to fall asleep. The past week of restless sleep made me so tired that i wasnt tired any longer.

Hearing the tapping on the window i opened it up to allow Kaine to walk through and land next to me.

remember hes your best friend...

I look over at him smiling.

"Are you okay..." He asked sitting beside me.

"Of course, Why wouldnt i be?"

"Because youve been out of it lately..."

"No way...Ive just been stressed by that one test-"

"Dont give me that shit! Ive know you almost all your life. Dont you dare lie to my face and say your "all right". Look me in the eye. Look me in the eye and tell me one more time that you are alright" Kaine started to yell as he craddeled my head in his hands and forced me to look him in the eyes.

The tears threated to fall. But i Shut my eyes quickly and looked at him.

"I am Okay..." I started

"No you are not." Kaine finished for me as he cradled me in his arms.

I wanted to get away, But this was my best friend. Even if he had a crush, He was in fact, Always there for me...and i just had to. I had to come clean as the words of what happend flooded out of my mouth and Kaine knew about everything. About my powers, About Loki, About my dreams, and worst of all about Rath.

We fell onto my bed as we laid there in silence. All you could hear was the steady breathing of mine and kaines.

Seconds...Minutes....Hours passed as i finally opened my mouth to break the silence.

"Can you tell me the story...Tell me the story of the Divine and Abysall that broke the Law..."

Kaine closed his eyes as if recalling the sad fairytale.
"Once upon a time, before the abydine treaty and while the two sides fought nonstop...

There lived a girl who was unlike any other abysall being. She was faster then the weres, stronger then the hunters, more darker then the bloodelves, And more stealthy then any vampire. But for this girl , it was required if she wished to live. She stole to eat, killed to survive. Never being caught, Never being seen. She lived in the Gutters, Running along alleys, Sleeping wherever it was open. however, That one girl got cocky, She thought she was more cunning then the rest however, Trying to steal from the great Abyssal king wad a mistake as she almost got away but was step before leaving the grounds...However being as strong as that one girl was, She could choose, Become a general of the great Abyssal army or Die at the hands of the true king....
The girl was thought of as the curse that will darken the light of the divine...
3 years pass as a high noble of the divines conceive a child...However, this child was different then the rest, he was more brighter then the light eleves, More kind then the merfolk, and more wiser then the light faye. He could bring anyone from tears to smiles, the divine treated him as a god, He was there shining hope in the darkened war. As the war went on the two unlikely fellows lived there own lives doing what they thought was right to their people, however, the great God of the world played a cruel trick. Durring the invade of the Abyssals, the great general that won hundreds of battle was shot off her horse and fell down to her death ...However, little did everyone know, At the same time, the great divine noble was at the bottom of the mountain with a small town treating the wounds.

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