Chapter Twenty - Without the Bad, What is Good

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Chapter 20 already o.o Thank you everyone who read this far!! We re almost at the end of our jounery. :) I hope the ending comes to be what you expect...Or what you didnt? ;)


Chapter 20 - Without the Bad, What is Good

"Brubby?" My little brother Adam asked Whiping his eyes with his small pink arms.

"Adam, Go back to sleep" I whisperd back hugging him close to me and walking him back to the room.

Hearing the smash of glass on the floor I quickly usherd him faster to keep moving. Tucking him back into the bed I quickly walked to the door.

"Brubber, Sleep with me" Adam begged looking at me with his puppy eyes.

I shook my head at him sadly, I'll head to bed with you as soon as I'm done with this. I blew a kiss to him before closing the door, Making sure to lock it on my way out, The Orphanage Parents are not going to come even close to touching adam.

Walking down the darkened hallways I saw the wine bottle get thrown across my path crashing on impact at the wall.

"Dub Glitches......Hahahaha, Here is Roogey, Roogey hurry gloser, Come to yer great Aunt Suzanna, Wets Gav Fern. Hahahahha!" The orphanage mom laughed loudly as her image peeked from the hallway.

I turned to walk to my room but she grabbed me quickly by her Red long nails digging them in my skin leaving small moon like scars.

Her body came atop of mine as she laughed a drunken laugh and dragged me to the bed room.

"Berby! Roorey! Hahahahahha, Is dis Funnay? Hahahaha! A wermen old like me is Sleerping wiff a Geenager Hahahahahaha! At least your Fick is Nice and Younge..." Her voice trailed off as I zoned her out closing my eyes letting her have her way, As long as she stayed away from my brother, I could put up with any kind of torture.

Waking up abruptly I heard The scream of Adam as I ran grabbing my boxers from the floor.

"Stop screaming brat!" A male voice yelled as I heard his continuous screaming.

I jumped in between the two figure as I kept Adam behind me.

"Stay away" I snapped backing away with Adam.

"Come on rougue, Your dear brother finally got adopted, Be happy, Be glad for the brat" The orphanage Father laughed out as he pushed me aside slamming me into the nearby mirror, Shards shatters on the ground

Feeling the blood Fill my nose I quickly rolled to my side starring at Adam being dragged as the snot rolled down his chin and Tears stain his cheek. Grabbing onone of the shards in my hand I shaking ly stood up, Gripping the shard hard in my hand and feeling the blood run down my fingers I Shouted to Adam our secret code that meant to close his eyes.

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