Chapter Two - The Best Friend

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A/N: Hello, how are you my few fans. ^^ Hope you enjoy my Lil munchkins

On the right is a picture of Kaine

~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 2 - The Best Friend~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I awoke to the sound of tapping. I groaned as I rolled over again and closed my eyes.


I groaned again as i rubbed my eyes and looked over at the clock. 3:02. This caused a louder groan to come from me as I closed my eyes curling back into a ball and waited or sleep to come over me.


Finally i got up as I looked over at the window. I saw a pebble hit as it bounced off and fell back into the dark night. I stood up slowly and cautiously as I walked over to the window and peeked out into the night. I saw a small shadow as it waved when it saw me.

I slowly opened the window looking down at the face of...Kaine.

I sighed out in relief, i thought it was going to be the vampire...Rath i think his name was, not sure why i thought that, He doesn't even know where I live...or dose he. Kaine easily climbed up the tree as he reached from branch to branch.

Kaine was always athletic, able to get anywhere he wanted easily. He could run much farther and longer then any of the kids in elementary, middle, even high school.

We met in elementary. I was bullied, for a reason I did not remember, and he saved me. He was my knight in shining armor and he helped me. I remember the exact moment as he saved me

~~~Flash back~~~

Ramon pushed Dace to the ground as he laughed at him.

"Now now, you better stay down, or something might happen to your little finger" Ramon said stepping onto dace's hand.

Dace cried out as he felt the tears well up.

"Hey, Whats going on" a boy cried out.

Dace looked up as the boy pushed Ramon away.

"Kaine, stop being a stupid hero, He's already girl enough, instead come with us, we can have fun without the girly boy" Ramon stated laughing.

Kaine shook his head helping Dace to his feet.

"Your no hero go and  run away, there's no point" Ramon's Friend yelled out.

"A Hero is a Man who is afraid to run away" Kaine stated as he walked away with Dace hand in hand.


Ever since then we became inseparable.

He stopped at the branch at my window as he looked at me.

" know..." He mumbled out.

I nodded as i stepped out of the way motioning him in thought the window. This happen's at least once a mouth.

Kaine's dad is an alcoholic, or well i think. That's what everyone said anyway. His mum left him when he was young, probably for that reason.

His dad would yell at him and he would just head over and we would have a small sleepover, until his dad calmed down, normally the next day.  My mum knows about this, she doesn't care since she loves him. She even gave him his own room. The guest room. we tell him he can leave his stuff but he never dose, almost like he hopes this would be the last time.

Kaine dropped his bag on the floor y my bed as he rested his head on it. I grabbed a blanket off my bed as i tossed it at him. I used to bug him about him getting the bed and that i can sleep on the floor, but he always wins the fight. Now i just let him sleep where he wants.

"I called your phone early but you didn't answer, where were you?" He asked as he tilted his head towards me.

I rolled on my side as I hung my head off the bed looking on top of him.

" you believe in magical creatures?" I wondered aloud. I didn't realize i actually said that aloud until i saw his surprised look.

Kaine started laughing as he looked at me.

"Why are you answering my question with a question" he asked, his happy tone returning.

I sighned as i rolled back on my bed.

" wouldn't believe me anyway" I called out closing my eyes.

The Dark of night overcame me as I went back into a soft blissful sleep.

Only it didint last for long...

~~~~~~~~ A/N: ~~~~~~~~~~~


did i scare you XD

yeah that was super lame i know, laugh all you want at my lameness. I ended it at a cliffhanger so HAH the jokes on you.

Sorry for the VERY short chapter, Normally my chapters will be longer but this is just a rare thing for this story, Next chapter will be much longer and MUCH more exciting.

I wanna try getting at least 3 votes for this chapter....YEP A GIRL CAN DREAM, I KNOW

So i wont update until i get those 3 matter what you sa-

FINE U WIN, im proabaly gonna get bored anyway and update so



Derpin out~ Angelhope

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