Chapter Twenty four - Some Memories

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-------Chapter 24 - Some Memories-------

The Divine and Abyssal stared at eachother from their opposite sides of the room they all sat in. But undoubted their eyes stared at the human boy that was crying on top of the Abyssal prince.

No one knew the story

No one knew why he was crying.

But this scene reminded them of another couple, The Abyssal and Divine that fell in love with one another.

Some divines was forced to look away because of the tears that were falling, and Some Abyssal had to look twice, To see if this was really playing out in front of them.

What none of them expected was the captain of the U.s Hunters stand infront of the crying couple to block them from view.

A Blinded man rolled onto the floor as well to get on the other side of the crying couple.

The entire room grew silent as the events played out.

A hunter, A Were and a vampire all stayed where they were fighting the crowd of stares.

The three races involved in the tri war, we're the most stunned...

Why is this playing out in front of them.

What are they trying trying to prove.

But are small part of every race in the small room knew.

Why do we fight such a stupid war...

"Dace....Dace!" A voice yelled continuously into my ear.

Shooting up with a start I looked left and right.

"Oh god...Dace" Kaine whispered.

His hands started to grope my cheeks and feel all around my face.

"I can see...Dace, I can see. I can see your face..." Kaine cried out as his voice shook.

"Why would you not be able to see dummy" I laughed out as I smacked his arm.

"You woke me up just so you could play this 'Oh I'm blind' Joke."

Kaine felt my forehead as he looked at me weirdly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I had to think for a moment about his question.

"Why, Would I not be alright?" I asked confused.
"But...Wait, Rath? Loki? Your powers! You-"

I felt his head this time as I laughed aloud.

"If think it's more along the lines of if your alright. Loki is with his father remember? My parents are out of town for erin's Competition remember? You came over for the night" I laughed as the realization hit him.

"Rath! Don't you remember him! You met him on your way home from the library yesterday!"

Laughing at his discomfort, I laid back down onto the pillow.

"You sure you wernt having a nightmare? Or a dream? Yesterday, After the library, I walked the long way home and was late getting home. I saw no one. "

Kaine didn't like my explanation as he stood up.

"Wait so you, you don't remember anything! My mate do you not remember!" Kaine shouted.

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