Chapter Twelve - The Trust Of the Innocent Is The Liar's Most Useful Tool

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A/N: The chapter name is a quote by Stephen King. Sorry it took a while, i had to google every word so that the renacance era part sounded as real as possible :P IF any of you see something i did wrong, PLEASE! tell me what is wrong and how it is suppose to sound. i wanna be as accurate as possible

~~~~~Chapter 12 - The Trust of the Innocent is the Liar's Most Useful Tool~~~~~

*patter* *Patter*

I stuffed my head deeper into the soft pillow.

*Drip* *Drip*

The pillow wasn't as warm as normal, it was slightly cold, yet had a comforting feeling to it.

*Patter* *Patter*

I swiped at my ear annoyed of the unfamiliar sounds that was entering my quiet paradise.

"Boo" A voiced breathed.

My eyes shot open as i blindly touch around my bed. Fear gripped my lungs as i held my breath.

Oh My Gawd! The aliens have come for me!

I knew that i should of hid my electronic scanner better!

But wasnt the scanner suppose to be fake?

But the box did say it atracted real aliens.

A soft chuckle interrupted my thoughts as a arm pulled me back down onto a bed.

"Dont move to much, Sleep." The voiced mumbled again.

The arm went under my head as the elbow bent and pushed me closer to the figure. I felt my head lean against a brisked cheek and a soft sigh fled from the figures lip's. My eye's datrted above me as i finally saw what was keeping me hostage...A sleepy Rath.

A soft giggle escaped my lips as i looked up at the sleeping boy. When the vampire was asleep he looked much younger. The vampire, no longer had the silver and black lip piercing on his chops as his pale pink lips we're free of any metal.

My eye's lingered a second to long on his lips as i glanced at his ear. The piercing on his ear was gone as well...

Must have been ripped off by whatever attacked him

I looked at his closed eye's. Without his mature, dark eye's he seemed just like any other 24 year old.

My eye's skimmed his whole face as i finally looked away. I was getting addicted to his unnatural beauty...My eyes paused as it rested on a small cross that was hanging off of a silver chain. It was a simple yet a complicated little piece of jewelry.

It has the form of a cross, yet when i squinted i saw a small black vine wrapping around the silver metal, as if the vine was keeping the cross at bay....Trapped. There was a small red Jewel on the bottom as a small wing was attached to the end of the cross.

My hand instinctively reached forward to touch the it as i gently placed it in my hand. For whatever reason, this was important to rath... he let his earring, rings, and everything get ripped off in a bloody mess, yet he kept this one cross on him at all times...

"You shouldn't touch things without permission." Rath whisperd his breath hot on my face.

I dropped the cross as it fell to the bed.

"Im sorry" I apologized looking away from his dimmed gaze.

Rath sat up as he leaned against the bed frame. I got up as well, looking away, a slight blush sprinkling my cheeks

"Curiosity killed the cat" He mumbled before his hand cupped my cheek. I looked up as he smiled gently at me.

"Why am i so nice to you" He mumbled under his breath before leaning in.

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