Chapter Three - Nightmarish Heart

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A/N: Theres a little grotisque scene in this chapter that may upset the elderly weak at heart and young so read with caution, you have been warned XD

 On the right is a picture of Liam the new charecter ^^

~~~~~~~Chapter 3 - Nightmarish Heart~~~~~~~~

I itched my side, or at least i tried. I opened my eyes expecting to see my cealling, but saw...nothing. Literally nothing. All i could see was pitch black.

I tried to move my hands again but, there was something strapping them down.

I remembered reading a book about how this one girl turned blind, and how it just happened overnight. What if i turned blind...

I closed my eyes, or at least i think i did. Closing my eyes and keeping them open made no difference to the outside world.

I felt a panic lodge in my throat as i swallowed a scream. I remembered what i learned in elementary school one day. Stay calm and think happy thoughts. So i did what every other normal high school student would do. I  started thinking of happy thoughts.

Cookies, brownies, sleeping, pretty girls, rain....





A continuous dripping noise continued  to drop as it was never ending...never going fast, slow, never stopping.

I opened my eyes, or i think i did. As i forced them to see something....anything. No dice. I tried moving my hands but they were still strapped down.

I felt the panic in my chest as i started taking deeper and deeper breaths.

The dripping was continuing...but soon it became soothing...the only thing that was keeping me in reality from not going crazy of not hearing anything.

Suddenly as if a light was turned on...


Red was everywhere.

I could see the light above but it was obviously red as it glowed causing the whole room to be illuminating in a faint red glow.

I moved my neck as i looked left. I couldn't tell the color of the wall since it was red. i lifted my head as far as it would go as i tried to look on the ground.

The ground was red with water seeping from under the "thing" I was attached to. I looked down at my body as I saw the reddened brown strap keeping my hands tied down. I saw the same straps keeping my stomach and legs down.

Now that i thought about it, being able to not see was much more comforting then actually seeing everything.

I started struggling as I tried my best to move.

"Mnnnn why cant i mo-" I started but froze instantly as i saw what was on my right.

A body was hanging. It was strapped down on a table just like mine but the table was standing up leaning against the wall. Facing me.

The face was completely unrecognizable. It was completely torn off. You could still see where the skin was ripped off from the forehead.

A scream lodged in my throat. I wanted my cover my mouth, but the thought didn't stop the horror screech that escaped my lips.

You know those weird manikins you see in a science room. This was nothing like that. You could see the veins connecting from each part. The lungs that were pink and the weird intestine snake that wrapped around. I couldn't tear my eyes away no matter how much i wanted to. The bones were no longer white. They were a sickly grey that was tainted with deep red.

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