Chapter Twenty Two - The memory of the Devil Dying

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Chapter Twenty Two - The memory of the devil dying.

A\N :Because I'm a sucker, And I feel bad for not updating in 3 weeks, I decided to update twice.

Walking into the familiar house, The sounds and smells filled it with welcome...But the tear in my heart was to. if for me to feel at home.
Closing my eyes I leaned against the open door way.

"What happened" Loki shouted as he came across the bloodied scene.
"Kaine is...Kaine is..." I started but turned to the side to empty out my already empty stomach.
"Someone grab the werewolf" Loki shouted over all the talking of his men.
"Loki please...Save him" I gasped between breaths of tears that continued to fall.
I felt his arms wrap around my bloodied body.
"Are you hurt?" Loki asked looking me in the eyes.
"Its...Not...My...Blood" I gasped out my bottom lip shaking.
Loki grabbed me tighter against his side.
"Dont cry. He will be fine. You will be fine." Loki reassured me repeating the words over and over in my ears.
He head rested in the perfect crook of his neck. Keeping his scent in my nose.
"I don't want this anymore. I want to forget. Why is it me. Why me." I whisperd to myself.
"Its not your fault" Loki abuptly snapped to my face, starring me in the eyes.
"Loki..." I gasped out hugging him.

"Dace don't stand by the door, You'll let the bugs in" I heard my mum call from the kitchen as she walked to the hallway in her apron that was splashed with flour.
"Are you Going to set the table..." Her voice trailed off as she saw the dead in my eyes.
"Erin! Watch the stove!" My mum yelled as she grabbed me by the hand pulling me to the stairs.
She stopped in my room as she pulled me on the bed and let me rest my head on her lap.
"Did you know, When you were Younge whenever you cried yoy would put your head kn my lap." My mum started to say as she rubbed my head.
My hand instinct ly went to my eyes as I laid my arm crossed them.
I didnt stop the tears as they wetted my arms and ran down my cheek.
My mum said silent as she hummed her lull ly from my childhood.
I couldnt tell her what was going on...But I finally knew what I missed...

A mother's love...

Waking up with a start I anwserd the phone beside me with a groggy hello.

"Dace. We got him. His trial is to be as soon as possible." Loki whisperd through the phone his voice obviously tired from staying up.

"Take me with you" I spoke into the phone grabbing a new pair of jeans from my drawer.

"No way. I won't allow you see this. He's going to be guilty no matter what. He's going to be sentenced to death.

"Take me with you " I commanded into the phone allows Loki gruffed out a quick yes and hung up.

Taking a breath I got up from my bed.

4:32 am

Sneaking downstairs quietly I pried the door open silently and headed out.

Minutes passed before I head the low rumble of a car approaching, looking up see Loki in the drivers seat I walked up sitting by him.
His eyes has a sickly glare to them and dark bags were scattered undrneath them.
"Loki...We can let Rath died. Please. I begged as I broke the ongoing silence.
"You don't understand. He killed thousands of innocent lives...For no reason pillaging hundreds of Wolf packs for his own gain. Raping the women, killing the children..."
I couldnt reply to his rant as I looked down silently.
What could I say. everything he said was in fact true.
"Kaine's going to live..." Loki whsiperd from the silence. A smile broke my lips as I was about to thank him and god but he contiued.
"But, He became blind in both eyes. He can no longer walk nor use his left arm." Loki finished as the smiled dropped from my face as I turned away look at the window, at the passing houses and trees and the slowly rising sun.

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