Chapter Thirteen - Cry of The Wolf's Tear

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A/N: Sorry for the forever update!!!!!! You all must hate me and not want to read anymore, Sorry!!!!! Life got tooo extreme and i couldnt get to a computer and type at all. 

~~~~~Chapter 13 - Cry of the Wolf's Tear.~~~~~~

Staring at Dace I closed my eye's to stop the breaking of my heart. He was insanely cold. After walking back to my place, Dace just walked straight to my room as he took out the controller to play a game.

     He wouldn't speak...

     He wouldn't Look...

     If i didn't know any better i would think he wasn't even breathing.

I wanted to do something, anything for him...but what could i do...i had no idea what happened. He didn't go to my game, he didn't even text or call me back. And the way he look's now. He looks like someone sliced his heart in half.

     "Dace..." I whispered.

     I heard a soft mumbled but it silenced instantly. I sat next to him as I let him lean against me. I wanted to hug kiss away his worries...but the way he is now, I was afraid that the littlest touch would break him.

The constant buzz of the video game played in the background as Dace stared straight forward.

My eyes landed on Dace's pale arm where the pale characteri s once we're. I recognized the writing. It was a ancient writing system that the old abyssal's used to use. I closed my eyes trying to remember what my tutor told me as a child.

The Abyssal one's we're the ancestors of us Wolves. But, not only us. In the Abyssal and Divine times, where humans and supernatural's lived together in harmony, way before the great Tri war. Back when we helped the many humane civilizations with creating colossal towers and religious marks that honored their gods. After all, Humans couldn't of made the pyramids so fast without us. Not to mention when we helped with stone hedge.

But, to get back on topic, The abysall's leaders of each race came together. The Weres, Vampires, Hunters, Elves, Blood Faye and Necromancers came to form one language we could all learn and share no matter what race we we're. It came to be called, The Damaik. But this is not the only language that supernaturals share.

There is also a Language that is shared for the Divine Ones. The Mer folk, Spirits, Faye, Elementas, Summoners and Beast Tamers came together to form, The Amaik. These we're the two languages commonly shared around the Supernatural. An abyssal could learn Amaik, and a Divine could learn Damaik, but it would take more concentration and wouldnt come to them as easily as their own language did. Alas,  Great peace never lasts.

Once the Tri war started, the great Abyssal and Divine one's cut off the communication with humans and eventually we ceased to exist to them nothing more then old fairy tales that only a few with the biggest imagination could see our true selves. The tri war continued and soon even the Divine and Abyssal became afraid of one another. They stopped working together, and soon all together we stopped being companions. The reason?

Together they could not form an offspring. it was said that it would create a being that would break the power bounds of each supernatural. This scared the high abyssal and Divine one's. And at last, The AbyDine treaty came. So take out your notes and start learning the Damik.

I noticed Dace rub his arm in a chill as he leaned closer to me for warmth. I smiled to myself as I took the initiated to pull him softly towards me so i could be closer.

The smell of vampire burned my nose as I resisted the urge to cover my nose. I tried to rub my scent on him as incognito as i could, but the sudden blast of the game made me jump up on shock.

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