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Pov Lalisa Manoban

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Pov Lalisa Manoban

- Do you have anything else?

- Good. - I said, rummaging through my pockets to hear the sound of a key, I'd forgotten that item. - Car key. - I replied, taking it out of my pocket.

- Everything will be here when I get back, don't worry.

- I know. - I said, passing through the metal detector.

I heard the beep and passed through the large door, I walked calmly down the corridor observing some new faces, there were all kinds of cases in that hospital, from those who heard voices to those who tried to take their own lives, I never thought it was right to mix so many disorders together, one way or another it ended up interfering with some treatments.

Imagine a situation in which you are mentally vulnerable but not hallucinating, when you go out into the garden and come across people talking to the trees, saying that they see dead people, I think we can agree that this doesn't help the evolution of a patient who is fully aware of what is happening around them.

I soon found Jisoo walking down the corridors, she was always where she was needed even if she had to leave the comfort of her main hospital.

- Good afternoon, Doctor Kim. - I spoke formally, noticing a humorous smile on her lips.

- Let's drop the formality. - Jisoo opened the door to his office for me.

- What's it like here? How different is it from our hospital? - I watched as Jisoo twisted his lip and walked over to his desk.

- It's not really my area, but it reminds me of my residency, there are a lot of severe cases here, I saw a girl who pulled out and swallowed her own hair.

- The joys of medicine? - I said, hearing his nasal laugh.

- But they treat me well here, I'm a celebrity. - she said smugly, leaning on her desk and crossing her arms over her chest.

- And how is she? - I didn't need to say her name for Jisoo to know who she was.

His expression wasn't the best, which made me take a deep breath.

- She's restricted from going out, she doesn't want to see any of her family and she refuses to eat, which makes her weaker every day. The only thing she accepts is sleeping medication, which doesn't help her depression.

- Wow. - Of course I wasn't expecting good news, but that was discouraging. - Did you manage to get me released?

Jisoo walked over to his desk and took a permit out of the drawer, and I smiled at him.

- You don't have much time, that's as far as I got.

- All right, why the exit ban?

- It's dangerous in the state she's in, Rose could use anything to try to kill herself again.

- I'll go and talk to her, thanks.

- Room 27.

I left with the authorization in hand feeling nervous for the first time, this was really a case that I had never seen before, I had never seen such a young person with such a death wish, of course I had seen countless cases of suicidal attempts but the treatment worked with these people, with medication and therapy the feeling disappeared... diminished.

Rose's seemed to increase with every attempt to get better, as if she couldn't see anything at all through the pain, and that was very, very difficult to treat.

I found the room by ringing the bell and waiting in front of the door. It took a few seconds before I heard the jingling of keys, and a woman dressed as a nurse smiled at me, giving me the go-ahead.

- You must be Miss Manoban.

- Nice to meet you, hmmm?

- Emma. - She shook my hand. - I'm Miss Park's nurse.

- Well, here's the authorization. - I said, handing it to Emma, who leisurely checked everything that was written.

- All right Lisa, I'll stay here but unfortunately I can't leave you alone.

- It's okay, I completely understand. How is she today?

- Doctor Kim gave her some medicine to stop her anxiety attacks, a few days ago she had one so bad that it almost stopped her heart, she's been having heart tests too.

- There's been no improvement, has there?

- Unfortunately not.

- I'll go and talk to her, did anyone tell you I was coming?

- Doctor Kim told her earlier.

- Thanks Emma. - I walked to the second glass door, everything was transparent.

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