The Reveal

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AN- 👆above picture is her suit with venom

It was Monday, and y/n tiredly put on her uniform. She frowned in the mirror when her skirt hung lower than normal and the bags under her eyes were prominent, becoming a permanent feature.

    If it weren't for the, dare she say, sassy symbiote she wouldn't have eaten what felt like double her body weight in chocolate this weekend. It was enough to satiate the hungry beast until he'd complain sooner or later.

   Her eyes narrowed at the loose skirt, maybe Venom begging her to eat wasn't just for his own sake. She let out a puff of air and grabbed her bag, heading to the school.

    She walked alone today. Mina and Kiri were of course off in some hallway sucking face, Kami and Jiro were probably doing the same. Sero? She didn't know, after Saturday it felt like they all wanted space from her to process, but it was starting to feel more like they were avoiding her now.

"You are angry" she huffed and chose to respond aloud since no one was around "of course I am!" Her fingers wrapped around her backpack clenched in frustration "maybe it's the way they felt like I owed them for my personal baggage or them being afraid of me because of you or how they are avoiding me like the fucken plague but it hurts and I'm angry kat is somewhere suffering all alone and the person who did this is the same fucken person who fucked up my whole life in the first place."

"You speak to me like I am a therapist." She rolled her eyes and kicked a small rock "you know everything so I might as well take advantage of it"

She neared the building and slowed down "If you use me as a therapist I require a real meal" she'd sighed "whatever, now shut up"

Y/n was the first in class and surprisingly Aizawa was already there, she took the opportunity to talk to him. "Mr. Aizawa?" He hummed at her in acknowledgement before she continued with a lowered voice "I've had some development with the symbiote.. it's a nuisance and you'll probably want to know." "I AM NOT!"

He looked up from his desk "what do you mean nuisance?" She looked to the side contemplating "well it's like it's own being." The teacher raised a brow as if telling her to get to the point.

This was going to be awkward if someone walks in "venom please show yourself...discreetly please." She said the last part through clenched teeth.

The symbiote emerged from her neck in a smaller semi liquid form with only his face. Aizawa blinked at Venom who was grinning wide, teeth on display. "Eraser Head"

Y/n crossed her arms "sorry he's being ominous. As you can see this may be startling or scary for anyone I train with." Venom snapped his head towards her grumbling deeply while Aizawa cocked his head to the side "you killed The Hijacker."

Venom smiled proudly "was he not a villain who took innocent lives?" Aizawa raised a brow with narrowed eyes "yes, but you also killed him."

"You hero's, keeping your hands clean while others do the dirty work that keeps people safe."

Y/n cringed as she turned to the symbiote "you killed him?!" Opposite of her tone she wasn't all that shocked he had done so, Venom grumbled "I severed his little head from his body when he took the lives of a mother and her child, do not tell me he did not deserve it."

Her face went pale as she turned back to her teacher who looked more than displeased. Y/n cleared her throat uncomfortably ready to change the subject "mh okay so i think this vigilante can behave himself for the most part but the class may need a warning.."

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