Chapter 18 : The Untold Confessions ♡

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*Play the song from beginning*

Edwards POV;

I lost her!! Her dance was awesome!! That day I dint know where she went. I want to meet her and fix things with her.

I stand up and go out. It was night, I reach her house and see from window that she is sleeping peacefully. But that face didn't show me happiness. I saw her smudged Kajal. She was crying!!!!!

What made her cry!? What kind of person am I? I promised myself that I would never make her cry or hurt her.

I turn my face away from her from shame. I turn again and see her. I can't live without her!! I need to tell each and every single thing that I feel to her.

She need to forgive me and I'll do anything for that. Even if it means, to stay FAR....

I take a deep breath. I go towards her front door and lift my hand to knock. But I couldn't get that courage to knock.

I stare at the door for seconds and finally knock at the door.

There was no response. So I knock again. But again there was no response. So with a dissapointed face I turn and decide to go back. But then I hear a door creak.

I quickly turn and see Manjari. She was rubbing her eyes which were squinted, she was yawning.

She was literally the cutest thing right now that I have ever seen.

She slowly blinks her eyes and opens them slowly.

She looks at me and jer eyes go wide in shock. She is about to talk when I hear a noise behind me. I quickly put my hand on her mouth and pull her to her room and kick the door with my leg.

I hear some people roaming. Then, I see Manjari looking at me so intently. Godd!! I just want to hold her forever in my arms.

I bored my into hers too. We both were in a very close proximity. It was silent and we both can feel each other's breaths on faces.

She looks at my lips then at my eyes. I can see those tears forming slowly.

I feel bad and I reach my hand to her cheek and caress it lovingly.

When she feels me caressing her cheek, she closes her eyes and a single tear falls from her left eye.

She shocks me by hugging me instantly. She cries on my chest. I feel her clutching my shirt tightly.

I understood. She was scared.

She starts to cry harder. Then she comes out of my hug and hit me with her two fists on my chest. She continuously beats her fists and ramble something.

I clutch her hands in mine and stop her. She still tries to hit me but she gets tired and falls down abruptly.

I kneel down to her and clutch her in my arms. She catches my collar and sobs lightly in the crook of my neck.

After awhile, I pull her away and look at her. It's time!!
I take a deep breath and say "I love you!" Only you!! I don't love her Manju!! in a whispered tone.

She looks at me with blurred eyes and says "I love you too"

They both hug each other in a very lovely manner. I put my hands on both sides of her head and mutter "I'm so sorry!!"

She shakes head and wipes my tears. I then remember about the gift. I instantly pull away from her and smile genuinely. I take out the tiny box from my shirt and open it.

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