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Right as the door to the broom closet close, the door to the trophy room burst open and Harper walks in, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"Hey, you can't be--"

"Incarcerous!" Harper waved his wand at the photographer, caging him with ropes. He stood in front of the broom closet, pointing his wand at the door. "Give him to me unless you want a bite of a wolf, Skeeter!"

"I'm interviewin--"

"I'm giving you five seconds!" Harper exclaimed, ignoring the others in the room who is looking at him curiously, except Cedric who looks amused by this whole thing.


"Now wait a se--"




"Listen to me--"

"Two!" Harper backed away from the door, throwing his wand to Cedric who catched it.

"I'm tryi--"

"One!" Harper exclaimed and morphed into his Animagus, shocking the two in the room. Harper bites the doorknob and takes the door off of its hinges, growling in amusement when Rita Skeeter screamed at the sight of the big brown wolf.

Harry got out from the broom closet, standing beside Harper who takes the notes with his maw and just hold it with him. "Good job, Harper." He praised, petting Harper behind his ear.

Harper let out a small growl, walking towards Cedric and told Harry to take his wand by nodding his head. He walked out with a happy Harry beside him, shocking everyone by the corridor when they sees Harry with a wolf that is twice his size.

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《

"With the occurrences with Alastor 'Madeye' Moody and the Goblet of Fire, we have taken a new a Dark Arts professor." Professor Dumbledore announced from the Tall Table, gaining murmurs from the students.

Harper's face paled when he sees the man that is sitting beside Professor Snape, instantly recognizing the blond man.

Lucius caught Harper's eyes and the side of his lips quirked up at the freaked expression on the Gryffindor's face.

"Meet Lucius Malfoy, your new Dark Arts professor!" Professor Dumbledore announced, gaining a cheer from the Slytherin table while the others three Houses didn't know how to react.

"Did I just mess it up, or did I just make it worse?" Harper muttered as some of the Gryffindors started glaring at him.

"You didn't mess anything up, Harper." Harry said, wrapping his arm around the Gryffindor's shoulders. "You did the right thing." He said, glaring back at the Gryffindors. "They just don't like us at the moment."

"Yeah, I guess so..." Harper said, looking at Lucius again and he almost jumped when he saw him already looking at him. "Why is he staring at me?" He muttered, looking away to look at Harry.

"Maybe he's thankful for you?" Harry suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe..." Harper muttered.

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《

"Harper." Lucius voice stopped Harper in his track.

Gryffindor boy - Ron Weasley x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now