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I kicked the door shut then sat down on the bottom of the stairs and started to take my shoes off. We just got back from the cinema, it was a good night, no arguments, everyone seem to get on.

"Just going to have a quick blunt, will be upstairs in a bit." Tinashe said to me as she walked into the living room.

I muttered a okay then walked upstairs. Tinashe smokes more than me, she does a lot more than me actually. I just don't need it, only when I'm stressed. She just has it because she loves it.

I decide to have a bath for once, I chilled in the bath listening to some songs from my iPhone. After that I brushed my teeth then got into bed as I waited for Tinashe I turned on the TV to keep me entertained.

My phone beeped from under my my under my face, I squinted my eyes open and picked up my phone. I must have fell asleep watching TV again.

Trigga - Selling tomorrow, early afternoon be there homie.

Haven't sold drugs in a while now because we had enough money from all the others sells, but we have practically spent all that now so I should go back to work. I looked at the time in my phone to see it was one in the morning. I turned around on my side to see Tinashe wasn't in bed. I grunted and forced myself to get up from my bed and go get her.

I walked down the stairs then into the living room to see Tinashe asleep on the couch. Way out of this world. I looked at the table next to her to see a blunt but a needle too. Not this again T. I rushed to her side and started shaking her to wake up. I saw a belt underneath her which she probably used to wrap around her arm as she put the needle inside her arm.

"Tinashe wake up, why the fuck you got this shit?!" I shouted at her as I tried to wake her.

She opened her eyes slightly but they soon closed again.

"Chris?" She mumbled.

"You're so stupid! You know how dangerous this shit is!" I shouted, even though I know she don't know what I'm saying.

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder quickly running up the stairs and into the bedroom. I placed her onto the bed, on her side so she don't choke. I got into the bed next to her and picked up the tv remote and started to search for a movie to watch. I know I'm going to have to stay up the whole night because I be too busy worrying about Tinashe dying on me. Why she got to do shit like this? She has no reason too, not like we are going through a lot of stress.

Four hours passed now it's five in the morning, I have just finished watching my second movie, now another movie to watch. I'm so fucking tired, I just want to sleep. I turned to look at Tinashe fast asleep, her head laying on top of my arm.

Another four hours passed now it's nine in the morning and she's still not awake. My eyes are stingy from the lack of sleep. I need to go out and work in four hours.

"Fuck this." I removed my arm from underneath her. "Wake up Tinashe!' I shouted as I started to shake her.

"What?" She mumbled annoyed.

Now I know she's fully awake and sounds like she's back on earth it made me panic less. I turned the TV off with the remote and turned over onto my side. I set a alarm for one in the afternoon so I can work, then once I shut my eyes and straight away I fell asleep.


I woke up from a annoying buzzing sound. I groaned and turned over onto my back and opened my eyes.

"Chris, turn that shit off!" I shouted with annoyance.

"Ugh." He groaned as he searched around for his phone.

Finally the buzzing sound ended. I rubbed my eyes then got up from bed and travelled to the bathroom. Once I was finished up in there I came back into the room to Chris getting ready. He looked up at me with red eyes and a annoyed face.

"What's up with you?" I snapped.

"Hm, I don't know T." He said sarcastically. "Let's start with you doing hardcore drugs down there or the fact I stayed awake the whole night to make sure you don't die or the fact I only had four hours sleep now I have to go work." He stated with sarcasm.

A flashback of me placing a needle into my arm came into my head. I looked at Chris with a guilty expression but he wasn't looking at me as he was too busy getting ready. He then walked off to the bathroom.

"Sorry Chris. I go to work, you can sleep." I suggested as I followed him to the bathroom.

"How about you go downstairs and clear the mess you made last night, go have some food, have a shower, brush your teeth then meet me at the warehouse." He said with anger then closed the bathroom on my face.

I lend my back against the bathroom door then sighed. I wasn't planning on taking it but I saw it and I just wanted to chill. I didn't want Chris to find out.


A usual customer exchanged his money for the weed secretly. Then I got back into my car and drove to the warehouse. That's how we do it. Been doing this for six years, never got caught once, too slick for that shit.

Once I pulled up to the warehouse I saw Tinashe's car there. I sighed and prepared myself. I got out my car and walked into the warehouse. To be greeted by some homies.

"Breezy! Down here bro!" Tyga shouted as he started to go downstairs to the basement that's where we grow the weed.

I follows downstairs to him to see the main homies and T. She smiled at me but I just ignored her.

"We sorting all this today so we going to have a lot to sell tomorrow, so make sure you come in again around the same time." Ty spoke to me.

"Will do nigga." I agreed.

"For now though you want some of the leftovers?" Tyga smiled happily as he started to walk over to the rest of the group who where smoking.

I saw Tinashe rolling up her blunt but I snatched it off her.

"Chris it's only fucking weed!" She shouted.

"I don't care, everything goes to your head. We are going." I demeaned.

I took her hand and started to drag her out.

"Yo Chris chill brudda." Trigga chuckled.

"We will see you boys tomorrow!" I shouted not saying anything else.

I picked Tinashe up and threw her over my shoulder and walked her out of the warehouse. Then I threw her into the car and placed the seat belt over her then got into the drivers seat.

"You're wrong for that." Tinashe huffed. "What about my car?"

"I'll get one of the boys to drop it off at the crib because if you driving I know you gonna turn around and go back for that weed."

She huffed again in annoyance, then she turned to the side and looked out the window to ignore me.


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