Twenty Seven

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"You sure you don't want me to go with you?" I asked Tinashe for the hundredth time.

"I'm sure. I think I should do this alone, I will only be gone for the weekend." Tinashe confirmed.

We kissed for a bit before she got out of my hug and into the taxi. We said we love you, then she left. She going to see her mom for the first time in years, she thinks she might be able to help her with recovering. It's Saturday and instead of just meeting Jhene today, the rest of the crew are coming, including the new one, Donald. We got to check Jhene's new boyfriend out, it's only right.

I had shower, got ready then drove to the restaurant where everyone was meeting. I don't get to see everyone as much anymore as I have a different job to them. When we do meet up we either at someone's place watching a movie or out at a restaurant.

"Breezy! Why your ass late?" Trey called out through the restaurant.

I awkwardly smiled as the whole restaurant was looking at me, I quickly made my way to our table to join the others.

"Why you got to do me like that." I chuckled. "I was late because I was saying bye to T."

"Ah, aight we will let you off then bro. But look at the menu, we ain't got time, a nigga hungry." Trey expressed.

Trey seems happier today, Lauren was sitting on his left, that may be the reason why. I was sitting next at the end of the table, then there was Jhene and Donald, no sign of Tyga.

"Where Tyga at?" I asked whoever.

"He sick or something, shit who knows with him anymore." Trey replied.

I nodded and carried on looking through the menu, then we all ordered. As we was waiting everyone just talked.

"So, Donald. You liking our lil homie?" I asked him, talking about Jhene of course.

Everyone here with their couples is making me think about Tinashe. Wish she could of stayed this weekend so she could of been here too. However, it's her mom so I wasn't going to go against it.

"Yeah, I like her a lot." Donald told us all.

I watched as Jhene blushed a deep shade of red. Then I turned my attention to Trey and Lauren.

"What about you two, what's going on?" I asked Trey.

"We just having fun and shit." Trey smirked at Lauren.

"How's Tinashe?" Lauren asked me.

Tinashe been good with being strong with being away from drugs, but weak in herself. She tries to hide it but I can see she's down. She never cried much before, so I can clearly see when she's sad. I know Tinashe wouldn't appreciate me putting her business out to strangers though.

"She's been really good." Is all I replied with.

"That's good boo." She respond, kissing up on Trey after.

Once food came we ate and talked. Everyone seemed pretty cool with each other. I don't really know what Mia does with herself anymore. I didn't feel like mentioning it now, as it's not really the right time or place for it all.

"Looks like I some a good job hooking you two up then." I smiled at Trey and Lauren.

"Yeah man, thank you for getting me this sexy ass girl number." Trey winked at her.

"I would of preferred Chris' number." Lauren joked. "Only playing, I know you and your girl are tight boo."

She right on that. I been with Tinashe a lot, I didn't do anything while she was inside so I hundred percent wouldn't do anything now. I ain't loosing my baby. Even though she a pain in the ass, she a good pain. Never boring with her, I never feel like the love is lost. I love that girl way too much to duck on her when things get hard. I also fear if I give up in her, she'll give up on herself.

"Yeah we are." I agreed, smiling a bit from the though of Tinashe, crazy how she still get me like that.

There was some moments through the night I felt awkward as everyone a couple, it my other half isn't here. But I still had a good night, everyone went back to their own homes, including me.


I calmed my nerves down as I waited outside my moms apartment. Her old friend gave me the address, I just hope my mom is in so I can see her. I wanted to come here for some many reasons, mainly to see my mom again, show her that I'm trying to get better, I want to make her proud. Also, I hope she can help me get through this struggle, maybe she can tell me how she become stronger.

She lives in apartment, it's cute nothing too special, but it is nice. I went to the main entrance, I found the stairs running up until I made it to her floor. Checking the doors until I came to hers. My nerves where extremely high at this point. It's my mom, I shouldn't be nerves, I told myself. I knocked on the door a couple of times before a man around late twenties opened up, making me confused.

"Hey, can I help you?" This unknown male asked me.

"Uh... Yeah, does Aimie Kachingwe live here?" I asked him poetily.

Short chapter, but drama is coming from three different angels, just wait on it... Sometimes when you think something bad is going to happen doesn't mean it always will. Sometimes you think something good will happen but it might end up changing...

1) You think Chris should of gone with Tinashe?

2) Predictions on what's happening with Tyga? (Hint it's for two different reasons...)

3) What you think about Lauren? Still think something is off?

4) Who you think the person was at the door? What you think up with Tinashe's mom?

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