Thirty Four

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"Have a nice day." I smiled as I passed over my customer car keys.

"You too, thank you again." She smiled lightly as she got into her car.

Before I turned round and got back to working on another car, I saw Tinashe walking over to me looking nervous and kind of shy. Which is usually the opposite of Tinashe.

"You alright?" I greeted her once she was close enough.

I calmed myself down as I don't want to get into my feelings.

"Yeah, uh, you got a minute?" She asked me softly.

I looked back to see everyone hard at work, then faced Tinashe who was holding a cute pleading expression.

"Sure, just be quick." I couldn't turn her down, I miss her.

We took a seat on the bench outside my work. I'm surprised she has came here to speak to me, most be important. Hopefully to clear up this mess, I don't want to be without Tinashe, shit just got heavy on my shoulders.

"Okay, quick, sure... I'm going to rehab." She blurted the last bit out.

I gave her a confused look. I hope she not doing all this to get away from us. I hope she didn't take everything I said to heart, I was just in a emotional way. Had a lot on my mind with Ty's situation and making sure I'm straight for T.

"Chris?" Tinashe awkwardly replied as she waited for my response, I just didn't know what to say back to that.


"To get better. I can't stay my whole life leaning on you for support-

"I'm your boyfriend... Ex boyfriend... Shit, I don't know. Either way I care for you and not going to let you fall off again. I swear on that." I promised her.

"I know, Chris, you showed me that. But it's time for me to be strong for myself. I want a happy future where I don't think about drugs and giving up on everything. I'm in my mid twenties and haven't even grown up yet because I have been too afraid too. I have always relied on you since I was nineteen. It's time for me to grow up and care for myself before I can be in a serious loving relationship." Tinashe explained.

I was taken back by everything. Me and Tinashe never express our feelings much. Especially T, she keeps everything bottled up. She really is becoming better, slowly. She hasn't smoked, she talking about feelings, she been trying with jobs, she done all this stuff by herself. I have to respect her decision even though I feel like begging her to stay because I don't want to be without her, but I can't, she needs and wants to do this.

"Okay." I sighed.

"Okay? I didn't just express all that for a okay." Tinashe awkwardly laughed.

"I just don't even know what to say anymore but a 'oh T, I'm proud of you for staying strong and putting a smile on my face for me'." I quoted her from last week.

She laughed along with me, then it felt back into the serious tension again.

"Seriously, I am proud of you." I admitted. "You're really improving, your becoming a women, a bit late but it's happening." I chuckled. "I wish you can stay as I don't want to be without you, I love you with everything, but shit you know that. But I know I can't do that. If you want to go, I can't stop you. Just know I'm here whenever you want to come back."

I watched as Tinashe generally smiled, I can see her eyes glowing, tears threatening to spill but she holding it back.

"Come here, shit don't get me crying." I chuckled as I pulled her into a hug.

She held her arms around my shoulders, we held onto each other tightly like this our last good bye forever.

"I love you too, Chris, a lot... And I just want you to know I love you enough to let you go. Don't run away from love with someone else, you have my blessings." She told me.

I couldn't imagine Tinashe with someone else or me holding someone else either. It's been us for practically six years. But who knows how long she be gone for, if love comes my way I'm not going to fight it, I just don't think I will love someone as much as I love T. That's my girl and always has been and always imagined it to be.

We let go off the hug, I stole one quick kiss of her lips, I couldn't resist. She was smiling so I guess it was okay. I guess I need to come to grips that we aren't a thing anymore, feels odd, I don't like it.

"Chris!" I heard one of the other workers shout for me.

"Shit... Just remember I love you." I looked at Tinashe dead in the eye.

"Just remember I love you too... And thank you." She replied back with the same serious manner.

"Thank you too." I told her.

"For what?" She asked in confusion.

"For giving me my best first relationship. For being a friend. For being there for me when I was down. For staying real and always being loyal. For giving me amazing sex." I chuckled at the end, but I meant everything I said.

She giggled lithely before speaking. "Thank you for being my ridah. Thank you for staying strong for me. Thank you for being with me for six years through thick and thin. Thank you for being such a caring, loving, loyal boyfriend. Lastly, thank you for having some good ass dick." She smirked.

"Thanks for being the best ex too." I chuckled.

Things went silent, fulling back into the serious tension again. We joking and laughing because if we wasn't we be crying right now.

"I better go. I love you, bye." Tinashe lend up and gave me one last kiss.

"I love you too." I smiled, even though a nigga felt like crying on the inside.

I watched as she left in her car, pulling off and driving away for however long.

"Chris!" My worker shouted again.

I took a few seconds to prepare myself then walked back in, getting back to work.


1) Sad that she's going?

2) Wish they didn't break up? How long you think they be apart for?

3) Think they will move on? If so who will move on first?

- Vote & Comment please!!

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