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"Go sleep T." I groaned.

I tried to pull her down so she can cuddle with me but she was just sitting on top of the bed sheets.

"I'm sorry Chris." She sighed.

"What you talking about? The police? It's whatever, we will find out what they wanted tomorrow morning. Just relax, come cuddle with a nigga."

"No Chris." She cried lightly.

"Babe." I spoke softly.

I got up from laying down and sat next to her, wrapping my arm around her pulling her into me. She rested her head on my shoulder and started crying.

"Crying twice in one day? Your period must be coming on soon, this ain't like you."

"I'm crying because I love you so much Chris, and I have done you so wrong."

"You cheated on me?!" I asked moving my arm off her.

"What you being serious?" She turned to me with red puffy eyes. "No, I would never do that. Why would I want anyone else but you? Da fuck?!"

"Okay, okay, that was me trippin'." I apologised.

"I'm sorry for being a pain. You deserve so much better than me. You should go out there and find yourself someone else, you can finally have a family." She cried, I can see she's trying to fight against the tears though.

"T...I said we should have a break not go see other people. I want a family with you, and only you. You know that shit, now you trippin'." I chuckled lightly at the end.

I just hope she stops crying because I don't know what to do, she never cries. I'm not used to it, I don't know how to comfort her while she cries. Feels like she going to be soft now but snap at me in a minute.

"I lied earlier... Well I technical didn't lie, I forgot."

"What you talking about?" I chuckled. "Spit it out dang."

"When the police came you asked if I had drugs in the house, I for-

"You serious?!" I shouted, jumping off the bed.

"I'm sorry Chris I forgot!" She shouted, getting up from the bed too.

"Sorry it's not going to stop us from going to prison! What drugs? Hardcore? How much was there? Why you so stupid?!" I shouted as I rambled on loads of questions.

"I don't know, a stash of random stuff..."

"Well fucking done! You may like lesbian sex but I know I don't want nobody sliding into my behind!"

"Can't we just hide from the cops? We don't even know if they're coming after us yet."

"Oh yeah let's just be on the run for the rest of our life's, great story to tell the kids." I sarcastically spoke. "Any other bright ideas you have?"

"At least I'm thinking of plans, you still thinking about having a family even in this trouble."

I threw my hands in the air giving up on her. She pisses me off so much sometimes. I feel disrespectful because we are shouting in Trey's house but she has made me annoyed.

"What if they do research on us and find out about us dealing too? You're on their records from how many times you have got into fights!"

"Looks like you're going to have to man up and go to prison to then, it won't even be for that long."

"Me go prison? I wasn't the stupid one who left drugs in the fucking house!"

I laid back into bed and turned my bed side light off, she stressing me out too much. I closed my eyes, shortly I heard Tinashe get into bed. She slept far away from me which made me happy at this point.


I forced myself up from the bed and went to the bathroom, needed my morning shit. From the bright light shinning in I felt like it's late morning. Once I finished that, I brushed my teeth and washed my hands, then went back into the bedroom to see no Tinashe.

I didn't look to see if she was there when I woke up. I went to go downstairs to see if she was there but I saw a note on the bedside cabinet. I picked up the note to see it was Tinashe's handwriting.

Dear Chris, Breezy, boyfriend, my love, the pain in my ass, my best friend, etc...

I chuckled just reading the top bit, she always playing around. I'm curious about what this note is about though, so I carried on reading.

I remember when we first met, you thought you was slick but I knew you had a crush on me. Not going to lie I thought you was cute when you acting all shy and nervous around me, so I played you for a while and made you my bitch. However, my feelings grew for you, so I stopped playing with you and finally was nice to you. But you always did stay my bitch even five years later. I would die for you nigga, and you know that shit. I don't love anybody as much as I love you. I understand why you get pissed of with me, shit I annoy myself most of the times. I'm used to my hood ways, I can't change. You want me, you got me. You got the whole package, the good and the bad. It's been mostly bad recently, I'm sorry for that.

I couldn't help but smile as I read through the note. That girl has a strong heart, she just don't show her feelings. I would die for her too. She my everything. Even if we don't last forever, I'm still always going to be there for her. I mean that shit too. Also, she own up to when she being a bitch.

Anyway, you probably wondering why I'm writing this letter as it's not like me. While you was sleeping I heard the cops went to our local streets and asked around for us. I couldn't let you go down. I wouldn't let you go prison for my stupid mistakes. So, I turned myself in. I don't know how long I will be gone for but I want you to know, I'm going to be thinking about you everyday. You will stay in my heart. You know me anyways, I'm a tough nigga I can handle myself. I be out before you know it.

She handed herself in? I didn't know how to feel. I had too many emotions too notice which one was the strongest. I read the last bit off the note.

Thank you for being my friend, my lover, my man, my everything. I better stay in your heart. Shit better be the same when I come out or I'm beating someone's ass. You know I ain't ever lie about that. They can't keep a nigga away from the streets for too long! I love you so much, remember that! I will see you on the streets.

Love, T.

P.S; I do want a family with you. It's just complicated, I will tell you about that one day...


1) What you think about Chris Tinashe's note? Cute or nah?

2) What you think about T turning herself in?

3) What do you think the P.S bit of the note about? Why do you think it's complicated?


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