Chapter 19 - Who's Crying Now

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Hi all!!! see I wasn't lying this time.. I'm actually back. I know its been a while but like i said so far my health is holding out and i'm writing again!!!  So here is chapter 19, called Who's Crying Now, though I also wanted to called it It's My Part and I'll Cry If I Want To, but i guess the title is up to you.  The lyrics however are by Journey, cause I mean, who doesn't love Journey.

As usual I own nothing, but love to create my version f our favorite character and my fav triangle Finn, Rory, Logan... who will win?!! and who's gonna be crying now.

Also I would like thank Lacey who took a gander at this to make sure i wasn't speaking in gibberish.  I hope you enjoy, i hope you laugh, I hope you love me and hate and never want to read me again, at least until i post the next chapter.  Give me your best comments and your worst.  I enjoy them all as long as i can make you enjoy the story.

So without an further adieu I give you Cahpter 19...

Chapter 19 - *Who's Crying Now

Caught on a one-way street

The taste of love bittersweet

Love will survive somehow, someway

Rory stands on the covered front porch and waits for the car to arrive. It's sunny, and warm, and the sky is clear. Sometimes it feels like California knows no other weather, or only knows the extreme. It's either 100 degrees and sunny, or dark cloudy skies filled with wind and rain. If there's one thing she misses about New England it's autumn. The leaves are all shades of brown and red and the weather is cool but not yet freezing and it feels like on some days the earth is saying goodbye to the seasons past and once you have suffered or delighted, like Lorelei, in the snow and freezing temperatures that follow, you are welcomed back by spring, where again, the leaves begin to bloom and everything that was grey and covered in snow now begins to shine is reds, and pinks and greens. California has a lot of wonderful things and places and is magnetic in it's ability to go from mountains to valleys to deserts to beaches all in one day if one so choose, it will never have fall and the spring quite the way Stars Hallow does.

As she contemplates the things she misses about home a black town car pulls up and stops. The drivers gets out and comes around to open the back door for her. As she climbs in next to Mitchum she is greeted with a hug. Their relationship has come a long way, and the man seems to genuinely like her and respect her, despite her childish response to his initial judgements of her.

"Hows my favorite yacht hijacker?" He teases

"Hi Mitchum. I'm doing well. How are you? Hows Shera?"

She glances around at the empty vehicle as Mitchum hands her a glass of wine.

"Who knows." he shrugs. "I'm sure she's at a spa somewhere, spending more of my money."

Rory shakes her head as she smiles. This type of marriage has always shocked her. She feels marriage should always be for love, or at the very least companionship, but this hands off type of relationship never ceases to amaze her.

Mitchum tips his glass to her and smiles, completely unbothered that he has no earthly idea what his wife is doing.

"So where are we dining this evening?" She says to change the subject.

"The Bungalow Club. Have you been?"

She shakes her head no as Mitchum excuses himself to answer a call. As he does he nods her towards a package on the bench seat across from them and smiles to encourage her to open it.

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