Chapter 13 - Bizarre Love Triangle

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Hi guys.. so things went back to massive pain for me so it's taken me a while to write this chapter (or speak it) and attempt to edit. Please forgive my mistakes. I hope you like this chapter and I'm working on the next few, slowly, but I will not give up on this. It will have an ending. Please be patient.

Thanks again for reading!

Disclaimer: All rights belong to ASP and network blah blah blah, I own nothing.

Chapter 13 - *Bizarre Love Triangle

Every time I think of you
I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine
But it's a problem I find
Living a life that I can't leave behind
But there's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of the fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
Well every day my confusion grows

"Finn." Logan says. Feeling the need to say... something, finally.

"Yes mate, tis I. Finn the Fantastic here to surprise you with an impromptu visit." He strolls further into the living room, "I didn't expect you to be home, so I let myself in, poured myself a drink and prepared to make myself comfortable. I, of course, in that effort decided I'd do a little snooping, I mean there's no secret amongst best mates, and so I open a door and I see some thing in that room very familiar to me. First, the quilt the lovely Lorelai made for her daughter when she graduated high school then shelves and shelves of book and finally, left on a desk a Stanford University student ID in the name of one Rory Gilmore." He nods in her direction. "You look a lovely as ever, Sweet."

"Finn.." Logan tries again but is interrupted.

"It's ok mate, I mean if I had to choose roommate I'd definitely choose, "Ace" he says in quotations.

"I can't believe you're here." Rory says.

Logan glances back at her, all thoughts of moments before about getting his chance, forgotten. All it's taken is one look at the Aussie before her and he can see where her heart is. Where it's always been, with Finn.

"Excuse me." Logan says as his two best friends lock eyes, and leaves them alone. No argues when he leaves.

In his room, he closes his door and takes a breath. Not only has he probably lost the only chance he was ever going to get with Rory, but he may have just lost both of his best friends, and all he can do now, is close the door to the living room and hope that when it all pans out he doesn't end up completely alone.

Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You say the words that I can't say

Rory has felt like the last few days have been unbelievable. She's been in a relationship, dumped by her boyfriend, found out her best friend was dating her friend, gotten uncharacteristically jealous of best friend and friend, visited with her mother and now she standing in her kitchen kissing Logan. And it's good. I mean it feels really, really good. He feels comfortable, and warm, and she find herself not even thinking and just letting him kiss her and what's more, wanting him to kiss her and when he does, she feels like she could live in the one kiss, that first kiss forever.

When he stops, she was afraid to open her eyes, afraid that if she does the moment will end because when he kissed her she was back at the reception, listening to moon river, asking him to ask her out and this time he says yes.

This time he kisses her. When she finally opens her eyes, her mind has told her it's time for her to kiss him, for her to make that move, and show him that even though she's fought against it, there has always been a part of her that loved having him as her best friend, because she never had to let him go. She plans to open her eyes, and this time she will pull him in for a kiss, no longer letting him think this attraction is one sided.

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