Burning Gold

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Hello, I can't explain every time. Lol I have a chronic illness that stops me from writing, but I haven't forgotten this or the other story I was working on. I am still slowly writing when I can. I finally got chapter written and edited as best I can. It's short but I'm still here and still intend on completing these. Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter - 15 Burning Gold

Looking for an exit in this world of fear
I can see the path that leads away
Mama never left, and daddy needs me here
I wish the wind would carry a change
Looking through the window to a world of dreams
I can see my future slip away
Honey you won't get there if you don't believe
I wish the wind would carry a change

I'm setting fire to the life that I know (I know)
Let's start a fire everywhere that we go (we go)
We starting fires,
We starting fires till our lives are burning gold
Till our lives are burning gold

The night seemed to go on forever. Lorelai, much too drunk to wake up, let alone talk to Rory, lay sleeping not even noticing the several dozen times her daughter opens her door and tries to get her attention.

Damn her mom and her love of margaritas.

Sitting alone on her bedroom floor, Rory still can't really grasp the events of last night. Finn finally standing in front of her, here, asking for a second chance, and Logan, kissing her. She'd never really thought she would feel even half of what she did when he kissed her. She'd been surprised at her jealousy when she'd found out that he and her friend had been dating. Really jealous.

Like way more then you could have imagined. A feeling deep in her gut that kept nagging and wouldn't stop, at lest until that kiss last night. During that kiss she'd forgotten about anything and everything. Until the interruption named Finn.

Finn, it was Finn. The boy who had stolen her heart. The boy that had taken that leap into more than friends when the one who kissed her last night had been too afraid to take that chance but that knowledge didn't change how that kiss felt, or the way her heart involuntarily skipped a beat when she'd finally seen Finn.

It was hour later, and still none of it made any sense. She was screwed.

Finally she hears the stirrings of her mom in the next room and throws open the door to find her mom, with her robe half way on looking at her in surprise.

"What the hell..."

"He kissed me. He did it. He like, really, really kissed."


"Logan. Keep up."

"Logan, kissed you? It's about time?"

"About time? Time? I mean, he kissed me and I had no idea I could even be jealous of him with some girl, but when he kissed me I was like... Wow... right, just wow... and then like all of sudden there's Finn."


"Are you even listening, yes Finn."

"Finn, Finn?" Lorelei clarifies.

"Do I know more than one Finn.?! Yes Finn. He was there!"

"Like he called?"

"Oh no, no such luck. He was literally standing here, in the living room.. Watching Logan and I kiss."

"He was HERE?!" Lorelai exclaims and jumps, finally getting how intense this was.

"Yes. Here, Here."

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