Chapter 10 - She'd Be California

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Here's some more. It's been a good week for me and I'm hoping it will continue since I've already written chapter 11 and an working on 12. I just need the energy to edit.

Thanks to everyone still ready. I swear this story is Finn and Rory endgame. I just have a long way to getting there. The hardest earned loves are always the best and lasting ones.

Disclaimer: ASP the creator and a Goddess, at lest until the revival which I have major issues with.

Chapter 10 – *She'd Be California

She got the long blonde hair
Got the red sports car
And you know she's got the
Top laid back
She got the movie star smile
Got the sun kissed tan
Santa Barbara in summer
Yeah, she feels like that

Hey, she's like a canyon drive
In a midnight sky
Those eyes are deep enough
To get lost
Her legs are palm tree tall
The way she walks
Like the heat on a runway
When the cameras go off

She's small town from the country
She ain't big time but she could be

The first few months at Stanford had been harder then Rory has imagined they would be, but they've also been liberating.

Now 6 month later she no longer feels like she's living in the shadow of her mother. Here, no one knows her history; no one looks at her last name and clarifies if her grandparents are Emily and Richard. She's made friends, good friends, and she's doing great academically. Her professors are challenging, and she's been writing for The Stanford Daily at school, most features and editorials, and working for The Mercury News as an editorial assistant in almost a full time capacity.

Mitchum set it up for her. HPG owns the papers and he's been more then happy to keep her on staff. It's June, and her friends are preparing to go home for the summer, Rory, however is not. She's doing so good at the paper that they asked her to stay as officially full time this summer and she's in the process of looking for her own apartment. She won't be going home this summer.

More and more her life has moved away from the east coast and the west coast has become more then a place to go to school, it's become home.

"Oh please tell me that you're not pinning away again for that small town of Stars whatever?" Lacey chimes in.

Lacey is Rory's roommate and on her first day she could never have imagined that they would be friends. Lacey is a cheerleader. Not just rah rah on the sidelines cheer, she's competitive cheer that is really nothing like what Rory imagined cheerleading was. She's a handworker and she's funny and smart. Lacey's boyfriend Adam is very different from her. He's all glasses and nerdy and smart and oddly interesting. Together they are like a perfectly oiled machine. They are great together and Rory feels very glad she's made friends with them.

"So, seriously my friend, he SERIOYSLY asked me if would set him up with you. I was like, Sonny, she is SERIOUSLY not going to go out with you. Give me a break." She's babbling as Rory looks up from her book.

"Um, no there is no way I'm going anywhere, alone with Sonny." She agrees.

"I know. That guy is totally delusional. Are you going to pack you stuff at all?" She motions to Rory's side of the room.

"I'm in denial. I refuse to believe that I only a week to finally find an apartment." She sets her book down.

"Why don't you call one of your many benefactors.. or should I say sugar daddies."

"I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. My Grandparent's pay for my tuition and you don't even want to know what my mom's had to agree to for that to happen."

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