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Hello. I'm sorry it been so long, but like I said I have physical issues that stop me from writing. I am still in this for the long haul and will complete this story. I am so happy that anyone reading is still reading. Things from here on out are going to change a bit in the story, some of the things that happened in the series will appear but the story is going to take a different turn. I hope you will keep reading.

Disclaimer: All GG belongs to ASP.

Chapter 7 – *Landslide

I took my love, I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
'Til the landslide brought it down
Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Rory and Logan sat side by side in the holding cell. No need to segregate men and women in the local sheriffs station. She knows she should be worried. She did get arrested, after all. She and Logan stole a boat for a joy ride. Damn Mitchem. Ok, maybe it wasn't entirely his fault. Her whole life Rory has heard only what her parent's, well mom, and grandparents have had to say and as your family should they only encouraged her to be whatever it is she wants to be. That's what your family should do, but then again, there comes a point in real grown up life where you have to hear the truth. Even if the truth hurts.

How can she say over and over again to everyone how much Mitchem's opinion means in this field of work and then be upset when he tells her what he truly thinks. Part of her wants to think it because of her relationship or non-relationship with Logan that has prompted this response but maybe on some deeper level she known its true.

There were after all big dreams for a little girl that grew up sheltered. She knew it, but her younger self saw only the dream. Her younger self saw only the news vans, and the reporting, and doing something she had said she would do, but in her mind she always remembered a conversation with a boy, a boy she could have loved, if not for his bad timing and tough guy image. That boy was the only one person in her youth to point out the obvious. He didn't disarm her, or try and dissuade her from pursuing her dreams, he just quested the reality of them. At the time she stood her ground, but that conversation always stayed with her. He was the boy who told her the truth even if the truth was hard to hear.

"What are your big ambitions?" the brooding boy asked to turn the subject off of himself.


"And after Harvard?"

Rory smiled proudly as she said, "I'm gonna be a journalist."

"Paula Zahn?" The boy mocks like he's impressed at her bidreams, and he is...

"Christiane Amapour." She corrects

Now she sees something other them the impressed looks he had only seconds ago, "You're gonna be an overseas correspondent?"

"Yes, I am."

Jess continues to push her about this new information, "You're gonna crawl around in trenches and stand on top of buildings and have bombs going off in the background and some wars raging all around you?"

She watches his face as he speaks, something mocking in his tone and eyes, "What, you don't think I can do it?"

" No, I do. Just sounds a little too – ." he stumbles on his words. He doesn't want to hurt her, she is after all the object of his affections, but it's...

"A little what?" she pushes

He finally says it for two reasons, one it's what he truly thinks, but also because he knows it will irritate her and he loves the moments she gets all incensed "Just sounds a little too rough for you."

At the time she laughed it off, but there was the other part of her, that had literally said that she was spoiled and planned to stay that way, that thought that maybe he was right.

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