Chapter 17 - Heavenly Day

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Hello again. I had two good days in a row so couldn't miss out on writing. It's a good feeling. Just an FYI this chapter has a LOT of Logan/Rory as I said before I will be exploring this a little but the fic will in the end still be Finn and Her.

Thanks for reading!!!!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. I just write my wishes.

Chapter 17 – *Heavenly Day

Rory stands outside the door to Lacey's dorm room. She's afraid to knock. She has to tell her about Logan, and hope for the best. She has to be honest, with everyone, and let the pieces fall where they may. She's already done that with Finn and he took a piece of her away with him when he left the table and now she's got to tell her best friend that's she the reason that Logan doesn't want to see her anymore.

She wonders if she should even knock, that's not a thing they friends have ever done, unless of course Lacey's hung the horseshoe necklace on the door, in which case Rory knew her roommate was "getting lucky". Lacey thought that was hilarious.

Rory brushes aside her hair and opens the door. "Lacey?"

The common room of the dorm is empty and silent so she heads over to Lacey's bedroom door. She's going to knock when she hear a small whimper inside. Her heart breaks before she's even moved. She knew Lacey was having fun with Logan, but she didn't know that her friend had these kinds of feeling for him, in such a short period of time.

She steadies herself and opens the door, ready to hug and apologize and order pizza, and ice cream and cry and get yelled at, anything and everything that Lacey wanted to throw at her, she was ready. The blonde was not a friend she wanted to lose.

Rory opens the door with her head down, but it takes only a second to realize the whimpers aren't of tears falling, but of passion. The blankets in front of her are moving and she realized too late that she's walked into Lacey having sex and she quickly apologies and goes to close the door when she glances up quickly, she stops.

The boy on top of her best friends is Sam.

He pulls himself off her the girl quickly and covers himself with the sheet, leaving a blanket for Lacey to pull up.

"Sam?" Rory say, surprised, a bit sad, and hurt, but also aware that things with him ended and she has no claim over who he's seeing or sleeping with anymore. What's more of a shock and confusion is that Lacey didn't tell her about it.

"Rory." He says, clearly sheepish.

"Rory?" Lacey is surprised to see her friend. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you after your emotional message about Logan."

"Logan?" Sam questions

"Yes, Logan." Lacey confirms. "I was upset at first you know. I mean there's this totally hot guy and the sex.. I mean it was wow, but then like he totally didn't want to see me and I guess my ego got hurt. I don't know. It took about 2 beers and some, um company from another hot guy to distract me." she giggles. "After Adam I have no business getting all spun out on some guy."

"Gee, thanks." Sam says next to her.

"Don't even give me attitude Samantha," she says "You were all hung up on that one like 2 seconds ago."

Again, Sam looks sheepish.

"I guess I got lackadaisical on putting up the horseshoe since you moved out" Lacey laughs.

Rory, still standing at the door is more uncomfortable than ever. "Well, I'm gonna go then." She says, knowing she hasn't done what she really came here for. She closes the door behind her and heads for the communal door.

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