Chapter 11 - Count on Me

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I'm not sure what I've done differently, but I'm still feeling pretty ok, which means I've been writing. I'm already done with chapter 12 too but it needs some serious editing. I'm sorry some of the errors, dragon speak just does NOT like me so I'm doing the best I can without using my hands.

Thank you to everyone still reading. I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoy and please, pleaser remember this will be end as Rory and Finn, it's just so much fun to get there.

Chapter 11 – *Count on Me

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there

"Ok, Ace, next time you decide to do my laundry... don't." Logan says as he walks out of his room and into the living room.

She looks up from her book. She's had two days off in a row, which is like a mini vacation, and without school or work she's not known what to do. Logan has been at the office, Sam's working too so she's been left to her own devices. Lacey won't be back for school until next week which means Adam's not around.

"What's wrong? You look great and that pink shirt with those grey slacks and jacket look amazing together even if that shirt if little bit too small for you."

"Yesterday, Ace, this shirt wasn't pink. It was white and it fit. These shirts are like $500 a piece, they go to a dry cleaner."

Rory blushes, "OMG I'm so sorry Logan." She giggles and he does too.

These last few months of having her here have made the move so much easier. She's still his Ace and he loves that she's here every night, well unless she's at Sam's, or he has to wake to find Sam has stayed here, which if he's honest kills him a little bit inside. He's made nice with the guy. They've become "friends". It's not like he's had much other choice.

Rory jumps up and hugs Logan. "I'm seriously so sorry." She says again.

"It's ok, Ace. I'll just change before I go." He goes into his room but keeps talking as he does, "So my dad's in town tonight and wants to know if you want to go to dinner with us."

"Dinner with the Huntzberger men? I'd have to be crazy not to."

"Perfect," he comes back out in a crisp white shirt and pulls on his jacket "I'll have a car pick you up at 7."

"I'll be ready." She stands and adjusts his tie. "Have a good day at work honey." She teases.

Logan slaps her hand away, "Make sure you clean the house then cook dinner and feed the kids before I get home woman." He teases back and leaves for work.

Her phone dings behind her and she picks it up to see a text from Sam. He asks her to go to dinner later and she hates having to say no, but she's already made plans. Before long her phone rings. It's him.

"Hey, you." She says

"I don't want to sound like an ass here. I really don't. Cause I'm beyond happy you've let me in your life, but I'm beginning to wonder if I'm really the guy you want."

"Gee Rory, it's good talk to you. No, No Sammy it's great to talk to you I'm so glad you've called. Me to. I've missed you since you've been so busy with work Rory. I know, it's been crazy, but I've been off all day yesterday and you went surfing with your friends. I know I'm sorry. I knew you had a day off finally. I should have made plans with you. It's ok I know how much you love surfing. I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out today because I have dinner plan tonight, but after they way you just said hello I'm not really sure." She talks to herself playing both sides of the conversation.

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