Chapter 8 - Terrible Thought

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I have no excuses. I have CRPS and I've had some procedures done and there will be more coming, but I love this story and I love those of you that are still reading and I hope you are enjoying and will continue to enjoy where I plan to take this story. I hope you take the time to not only read but let me know what you think or any idea you might think would be a good idea to include I am more then open to hearing. I also might me starting to write just a few one shot stories to keep me motivated and less blocked, which my meds tend to make me fuzzy. So please feel free. Again, thank you for letting me take up time in what I'm sure if you're already busy day.

Disclaimer: ASP own GG. I am just a fanfic writer for fun who is thankful for the opportunity to play in this world.

Chapter 8 – *Terrible Thought

A terrible thought has moved into my mind
Like an unwanted roommate drunk on wine
It feeds on my happiness, won't pay the rent
I must take proper measures to evict it

A terrible thought has moved into my mind
A giant rat that's nibbling on my pride
It's tearing away my patience and my wit
I must take proper measures, set a trap for it
What a terrible thought

Rory has been living in the pool house for the last 4 months, and as hard as it was not talking to her mom she found that she was happy in other ways. She's gotten closer to her grandparents, and now found that the things that she had been annoyed at because of her mother weren't really that annoying to her. They were her grandparents, not her parent's and it made a world of difference. Did they sometime put their noises into things that weren't their business, of course they did. Having a priest come over to talk to her about her virtue was way past a line, but she tries to remember how and when they grew up and remember that deep down it was just their concern for her well being.

The thing that frustrates her the most was moving her into the main house because they didn't like that she and Finn were possibly having "relations" on their property. However it was their property and she was living there rent free, so she needed to have an amount of respect for their beliefs she realized too.

She realizes she's been incredibly lucky too, in many other ways. Like stealing a yacht... Logan's dad's attorney's got them off on a technicality, which may or may not have involved money exchanging hands, but she has no evidence of that happening, but somehow they weren't held correctly or something. Who was she to argue when her momentary stupidity was not going to leave her with a record?

It has been 4 months away from her mom and Stars Hallow, and as much as she has learned about herself and her dreams and her life she has also put some things in jeopardy. She and her mom don't speak because she's still not in school and she and Finn have drifted apart a bit. They are still together, and yet it's been almost a week since they last spoke. He's working, she's working, and the DAR has actually been a great place to work. It's not a career but it's been eye opening. She's so proud of Finn for everything he's accomplishing. He's graduating in a few months, he'll take over as a VP at the family company and he's already been in Business Week several times because of the acquisitions he's spearheaded before he's even out of school and apparently that's big news for big business. But all that work, and all that schooling, with her not actually at school anymore and working during the day when he does have some free time has put them farther away then she's ever wanted.

Every time they talk she afraid it's going to be the day he ends things. It won't be her to end it. It's not what she wants, but a college drop out working at the DAR isn't exactly what he needs on his arm when the press comes calling. Which is exactly why she's been so insecure of Stephanie.

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