World tour

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Cody's pov:

It had been 6 days since world tour first started. Everyone was asleep but then Chris came on the Announcer "Hellooo campers!, Get up and ready for another episode of total. Drama. World tour~!  Meet us outside the plane in 5 minutes!"

Everyone groaned and got up. I went to my suit case to get a brush before Sierra stole it and brushed out my hair since it was pretty messy. I noticed Noah staring at me for a couple of seconds and then he looked away.

Noah's pov:

If you were wondering yes, I was looking at Cody's adorable brown hazelnut hair! It looked so fluffy and soft but I couldn't let him know that! I got a new pare of socks on and put some deodorant on and left the plane. When I came out some of my team were there and some of team Amazon were there too.

It was so very hot but I noticed where we were. It was India! I had been to India before and my parents happened to be Indian so I knew all about India! Or so I thought...

Cody's pov:

When I came outside it was so hot! It felt like my skin was gonna melt off! Good thing Heather had sunscreen, she shared it will all team Amazon and especially me! I have really light and sensitive skin and I went through a very bad and painful sunburn on total drama island.

Chris soon came outside with an ice cream and iced water with two interns fanning him. "India is where we are! India is also the founder of dance!...I think...Well speaking of dance! Today we're gonna have a partner dance competition!! Here I have the partners! And I'm gonna say Cody's gonna be a girl for this because it's uneven" "Hey!" I was so offended but i guess how bad can it Be!

"Here are the partners! Heather and Alejandro, Lindsay and Tyler, Courtney and duncan, DJ and Gwen, Sierra and Owen, aaaand Noah and Cody" Noah looked a little shocked but then his face went back to normal. "I want boys in this side and girls + Cody on this side!"

We went to our sides and Chris explained how we'll be making costumes for our partner and that even I would have to wear a dress. WHATS UP WITH THE PRODUCERS MAKNG ME WEAR A DRESS?! Well I didn't need Noah's measurements because I knew them exactly!!

I know I sound like a creep when I say that but last year Noah's sister got married so they came to my aunts dress and tux shop. I work there during the summer but he didn't seem to remember me. I remember taking his measurements and they were the same as mine! So all I needed to do was just make an outfit like it was for me!

I remember what Noah liked in a outfit snd I watched my aunt make outfits so I can do it!
"Uh...Cody do you mind if I...Take your measurements...?" "go ahead!" Noah took my measurements and I blushed as he did. He finished taking them and I went to go get some fabric. Chris gave mannequins that were shaped like our partners and when I looked at mine my heart fluttered.

Noah's pov

That little song ding went off and Chris told us that the challenge is that in the next 2 hours if the boys got more dresses done than the girls then the girls will have to sing and the boys don't get eliminated for not singing and if girls get the most tuxes done than the boys have to sing the song and the girls won't het eliminated for not singing.

I was up for the challenge so I got right back to work. Lindsay already finished her tux which meant the girls were in lead right now. I looked over at Cody and saw him focused on the tux. He smiled when he did and knew exactly what he was doing. It was kind of weird that he knew my measurements without taking them but I guess he probably guessed.

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