7 year anniversary

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Noah and Cody married and have 2 kids. They have a 5 year old girl named Michelle and they have a one year old named Nicole. ⚠️THIS DOESNT CONTINUE ON THE LAST PART! ITS A NEW STORY BUT I COULDNT THINK OF A DIFFERENT NAME FOR NICOLE⚠️

Noahs pov:

I woke up early to make Nicole's bottle. Cody does so much around the house and at work so I NEEDED to help him today and make time to take him on a nice date.

I was never really the type to give surprises so I wanted to make it extra special for the both of us. I made Cody breakfast in bed and got Michelle up for school. While Michelle was bathing I went to go and wake up Cody.

I woke him up and smiled when he saw what I had prepared for him. "Morning sleeping beauty" I said before pecking his lips and giving him his food. He smiled and looked up at me "You didn't have to" he said and I replied with "You know I was going to anyways".

He laughed and ate his food. While he did that I heard Nicole babbling away in her nursery. I went and gave her, her bottle and she drank it up. I took Michelle to school and put Nicole in her play pin. Cody was playing with her which was an adorable sight.

I thought about what I was gonna do and had the perfect idea. After Michelle got out of school I came home with her and saw Cody trying to feed Nicole spaghetti. Michelle went to go and help him and I went to go clean dishes.

Before I got home I talked to Michelle in the car about having to help Cody out a whole bunch. That anything she can help with to help him. "Daddy, what do you have planned for y'all's anniversary?" Michelle said smirking.

Cody laughed a little "I'm not gonna tell you" Michelle came to my arm and clinged onto it "Please daddy" she said in a whiny voice. I went down to her ear and whispered to her. "If you tell her she's gonna tell me" Cody said laughing. I told her what I wasn't going to do which was very bland.

"I'm gonna take papa to a place and I'm gonna kiss him" Michelle giggled when I told her that and left the kitchen which left Cody curious. "What did he say?" Michelle told him no and Cody went after her telling her "Tell meeee!".

Later that day I dropped Nicole and Michelle at my older sisters house and I took him to the special place. I pulled up to the beaches parking lot and Cody was a little confused. I took a basket out the trunk and lead him to the sand. I placed a picnic basket down and he sat down with me.

It was the perfect moment ever. The sunset and the water reflecting the beautiful sky was so perfect. I kissed Cody's cheek and he smiled. "I got something for you" He took a capsule out his pocket and gave it to me. Before I opened it I noticed it had a date on it. It was also pretty dirty so I blew some of the dirt off the capsule and it said "4-15-2008".

I smiled when I saw the date. I opened it and I felt like I was gonna cry of happiness. Inside were notes and pictures and a bracelet I had gave him on our 1 year anniversary. I opened one of the letters up and saw it was a note me and him had wrote in one of our high school classes.
(Bold Cody and normal Noah)

"Hi Noah it all. Hi beautiful. I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna go to that one park on Maine? Of course codster" the rest of the note was Cody's drawings of little hearts with my initial in them. I couldn't help but smile "Where'd you get this?" I asked curiously "I had it buried in my parents backyard and since my dad started gardening, When he made some holes in the ground he found the capsule!"

I smiled and kissed him. We kissed for a couple of seconds before we pulled away "I love you beautiful" "I love you too Noah it all" after a while we went home and picked up the girls. It was one of the best days of my life and I'm sure it was Cody's too.



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The end! If you want more of this AU then please tell me! |796words|

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