Daycare adorableness to woah...

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|Daycare to teenage Noco|

What Toddler Cody is thinking:

Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows

Toddler Noah pov:

It was lunch time and I was eating my soup my mom packed me. I always forgot what it was called but I did know it was Indian because that's all I eat! Except for cookies and spaghetti and pizza and- there's a lot!

Well I was eating my soup and I heard Cody singing a song "Pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows". It was a little scary but it was okay because he was my friend! After I finished eating Cody was watching a video on Duncan's tablet.

He started to scream and I went to go and hug Cody. Duncan started to laugh while I glared at him. Duncan showed Cody a video of a pink pony killing other pony's? Or eating them? I don't know but my older sisters watched it to scare me.

It worked. I shushed Cody comforting and went to go tell chef with Cody. Chef was furious at Duncan for watching an violent video and showing it to the most innocent toddler alive.

That sent him to time out without his tablet which made me smile. I ate my sugar cookie right infront of him and he frowned. Me and Cody went to go play with some action figures!

Codys such a good friend!

Teenage Noah pov:

Cody's such a amazing boyfriend.

It was the last day of senior year and Geoff threw a party to celebrate. Since Cody didn't have his drivers licenses yet I drove him. We got inside and everyone was there. There were lights, loud music, drinks, games. Everything we could ever need!

We went to go with Heather and Alejandro who was taking care of a drunk Alejandro. Apparently Mexicans don't take a break from corona beer. Cody thought it was apple juice and drank some. A couple of beers later because it tougher it was apple juice too and let him, I had a very drunk Cody.

"Noahhhh" he said leaning his head on my shoulder. "I want moreee!" He said trying to grab Alejandro's but he moved it to his other hand and says something in Spanish which was probably cussing Cody out. "No more codster..." I said picking him up. He was very light really, we said goodbye to everyone well Cody said Hi to everyone but that's alright.

We went to the car and I put Cody in the passenger seat and I started driving. He was basically my passenger princess well passenger prince but it's no difference! I soon got him home and I saw his parents cars weren't in their driveway.

Cody's parents always bought Cody's love and would go on business trips all the time. I knew Cody couldn't stay home alone so I took him to my place. When we got into my room and past my annoying siblings I put him on my bed. It was pretty big so we can both sleep on it. I have Cody some comfy clothes I owned and they were a little big on him. It was adorable, so adorable enough for me to pick him up and kiss his adorable, rosy, squishy cheeks.

Cody's phone went off and his ring tone was some song I've heard before...? "pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows pinkfluffyunicornsdancingonrainbows"

It was annoying but soon it stopped. I chuckled and kissed his forehead. He was already asleep so I tuck him in and got into bed with him. He cuddled me which made me smile and go straight to bed.

This made me cringe a little |663 words|

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