You promised...

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|Slight angst|

Cody's pov:

Today I woke up and it was Valentine's Day. Noah goes to work early but left a note for Cody. "Dear my love, I'm coming home early today for this special day today. I can't wait to see you when I get home. I promise I'll be coming home and we'll have the best Valentine's Day in history"

Those words of his promise made me smile. Since I didn't have work I decided to make a nice dinner for us! Even though I had to do chores and get the food and get the food ready it'll be worth it!

I got dressed and went out to the market. I got some of our favorite stuff and I spent about 2 hours getting stuff. I also got some decorations for the table and went home to start my chores.

After a while it started to get dark and it was about 15 minutes until Noah usually gets out but he was going home early. While I had the time I decided to fix myself up and decorate the table.

I put on a nice shirt and jeans and fixed my hair. Still Noah wasn't home which kind of worried me. I texted him "Hey! I'm getting worried when are you coming home?". I didn't expect him to message me back immediately so I took the time to decorate the table!

I put a nice candle in the middle and a nice rose. A whole our passed by and Noah still hadn't messaged me back. I got more worried and hungry. I wanted to eat with Noah but it was also getting cold.

I sighed and just ate by myself. It was pretty lonely and just as I took a bite I hear Noah's car come up the driveway. By the time he got home he was 7 hours late. The idea of him cheating on my ran through my mind which made me pissed.

Noah came in the house and when he saw me he looked guilty. "Hey babe..." I didn't respond. "I know you're mad but I was only a few minutes late!"

"A few minutes?! You were 7 hours late than what you said you'd be back!!" "I never said when I was gonna come back." "Yes you did! When you come home early you come at 4:00! Right now it's almost 11:00!"

I can see that Noah felt bad. "Listen, I had a um...Meeting so it just took time so..." I ignored him and finished my food. I put my plate in the sink and went upstairs. I slammed the door and locked it.

Noah's pov:

I decided to buy Cody chocolates after he went upstairs so I went out to the store. I got his favorite chocolates and bought him a bouquet of roses.

I felt like shit because I decided to go across town and help my sister with her homework that she cousin get done herself. I knew I saw Cody's message but I didn't reply.

I came home and saw covers and pillows on the couch. That's where I was sleeping tonight if I didn't apologize to him. I went upstairs and knocked on our bedroom door.

"Go away" Cody said obviously crying and I knew I had ruined today because I chose my sisters college homework over my own husband.

"Please unlock the door..." the door soon opened and Cody's face was in a pillow. "I got you some stuff at the store" I gave him the flowers and chocolates. "Why...?" He said almost in a bursting into tears why.

"Because I love you, my love" Cody obviously couldn't take being mad at me forever and jumped in my arms. I laughed and spun him around in my arms. "I can't stay mad at you forever!" Cody said looking up into my eyes.

I smiled and kissed his soft and pink lips. After a couple of seconds I pulled away and looked into his beautiful sapphire eyes. "I love you codmiser"
"I love you too Noah it all".

Late Valentine's Day |687 words|

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