Best days

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|Smut and mention of smut, After collage AU|
(Noel's lament reminds me of this part)

Noah's pov (During college)

I was mostly known as a slut or a whore right now. But you can't blame me! Dick is good.

I was working on my studies when I got a text from some guy in one of my classes. He asked me over to his dorm with a winky face so I knew what he meant by it.

The second I got inside he closed the door behind me and we made out. From made out it became sex. And not just any sex, it was passionate and hard.

I couldn't contain myself so I was a whimpering, grunting, moaning mess. After a while we both released our load onto each other and god damn it felt great.

I slept with him and in the morning I left. I've had better dick but it was still very very pleasurable. I knew I had to stop doing this especially because it can get in the way of my studies.

If 16 year old me saw me now he would be shocked. But hey I lost my virginity on that island! I still think about it all the time.

It was the week before I was voted out and damn it was great. Hearing his moans and whimpers were like a musical to me.

When I got to my dorm I showered and got dressed for class. I hated collage but I needed it so i guess it will be worth it.

When I got into my last class I saw him. The guy I fucked in that island. Cody Anderson...

He still looked twinky and adorable as before. God I felt myself getting hard just looking at him. He sat a row ahead on me and seemed single?

Maybe I still had a chance to be with my first love? After class I saw him walking to his dorm. I felt like Sierra spying on him but he wouldn't notice! Right...?

When the got inside he dorm he seemed normal. I went to my dorm that was probably 10 doors down and watched TV.

I kind of felt like maybe...Topping him...? No, he wouldn't want to again, would he? I didn't know if I should until I got up and went to his dorm. I heard him probably watching TV and I knocked on his door and he opened it.

"Hello?" He seemed like he didn't notice me till he saw the red vest I still had "Noah?!" "Hi codmister" he was shocked "Do you wanna maybe hang out?" I asked fidgeting with my fingers.

Cody nodded and opened for door wide for me to come in. His dorm was beautiful and matched his personality a whole lot. "Nice dorm" "Oh, thanks! What do you wanna do?".

I shrugged and he sat on the couch. "We can maybe watch a movie...?" He said holding up a un popped popcorn bag and snacks. I smiled and nodded. It was different then someone just pushing me onto a bed and making out with me and then just having very pleasurable and hard sex.

He went to go pop the popcorn and while he waited sat down with him on the couch. "So what have you been up too?" That was the question I was afraid of because I couldn't just said oh I'm a whore/ slut that has a small amount of friends!

"Um..." I was debating if I should tell him or not. "Well...I've been in sex like...5 times a week...." His eyes widen. "Wait really?!" He asked curiously. I nodded and turned a little pink. "That's so cool! It would be cool if I had sex again".

It seemed like he hadn't had sex since he lost his virginity to me. "I mean after the movie we can if you want...I'm pretty experienced and definitely better than I was last time" I told him riskingly.

Cody's pov

When he asked me if we wanted to do the deed after the movie I felt my heart pound. And the fact that he told me that he was definitely better than last tome just made me want to kiss him hard.

When we did the thing on that island I felt so good. I was a moaning mess and how good he was. Back then we had no experience before so we were slow but god it was amazing.

I nodded and turned a little pink. I soon came back with the popcorn and turned the movie on. Halfway through the movie his hand went on top of mine and he rubbed it with his thumb. I looked at him and smiled.

I just couldn't wait till we had sex.

Noah's pov:

The second the movie ended and faced him and smirked. He smiled and he led me to his room. I bit my bottom lip and kissed him. He kissed back  and the small kissing turned into making out.

After a while we started to undress ourselves and I put him on his bed. I looked at him from above and smirked. "if you want to stop you can always tell me okay?" He nods and I had him suck 2 of my fingers.

After a while I took my fingers out his mouth and a string on saliva were connected with my finger and his bottom lip. I licked the string off and stuck the 2 fingers inside him.

He gasped and I thrusted my fingers inside of him. "Mm~" he says in immediate pleasure. After a while he was ready and I lined myself up with his hole and he nodded. I inserted it into him and he moaned.

I thrusted into him and after each trust he became a moaning mess. I went faster and god that was the best idea I ever made. "OH MY GOD NOAH~ A-Ahhh!~" Those words only made me go faster. "N-NOAH~ OH MY GODDD~".

After a while of the same pace he cummed I smirked. "Why don't you clean your mess?~". Cody licked every cum off of me and teased me by licking the tip of my shaft.

He started to suck me off and I can feel it going all in his mouth at touching the back of his throat. He licked and sucked and god it felt amazing. "Oh god Cody~ where did you learn to do this~".

I guess those popsicles on world tour had amazing pleasure from the way Cody used to suck them.

Now Noah:

I know it's a weird way to start a relationship but we've been together for 3 years now and the sex gets better every time. I was thinking of proposing to him and I needed to make it magical.

I was able to get Cody out the house and I drove him to a beach. We got there during a beautiful sunset. I held his hands and led him onto the beach. I kept both my hands in his and I got on one knee which made Cody's eyes widen.

I took the black velvet box out my back pocket and opened it. "Cody emmet Jameson Anderson, will you make me the happiest man ever in the whole world population..and marry me? Will you become my Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson- sterecra?"

Cody started to cry and nods "Yes! Of course!" I got up and hugged him. I spun him around in my arms and kissed him. It was the perfect moment ever

That was the best idea I ever ever had.

Kind of a Valentine's Day thing but I'm gonna make one where it's in the Valentine's Day season. |1292 words|

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