Whata hunk!

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Me and Noah had been dating for 5 months now and it was getter better everyday! Today was one of his games and I was definitely going! I studied earlier so I could get ready and get to the basketball court.

Some of our friends were already there and so I went to go sit next to them. The bleachers were already filling up in seconds which made me more excited!! I talked to Gwen and she always made me laugh even if it was something girly.

Soon Heather came to us and she was actually super nice! The game started and I squealed and saw the players come out. I was looking for number 12 and then I saw him.

The game started and that was the first basketball game I was ever into! Noah had the ball and was gonna shoot it but then he saw me and winked which made me red. The next thing I know he's on the ground holding his knee!

The paused the game to make sure he was okay and he said he was fine. I was still very worried! The game went on forever but I didn't take my eyes off of it. Noah made most the points and they one the game!!

After the game I saw Noah and hugged him and congratulated him. We kissed and after I smiled. Being with him made me so happy and hopefully it made him happy too.

Noah's pov

I asked Cody if he wanted to my place for dinner and he agreed. I drove us to my house and my family was already there. They congratulated me on the game and we waited for the food to start cooking.

I took Cody to my room and we watched some of the Harry Potter movies. I used to have a Harry Potter phase and so did Cody so that was one big thing we had in common. I heard my mom yell dinner was ready and I just waited for the earthquake my siblings made until we went down.

Usually I went down with the earthquake but I didn't want to hurt him since one person always falls down the stairs and I didn't want to risk it. After everyone was downstairs we went downstairs.

Everyone stared at us when we were walking down the stairs. I could hear my noisy sister ask "WHOS THAT?!" Whispering loudly to my dad. They didn't mind me being gay but it was a surprise that I brought a guy home.

I sat down next to Cody and gave him his food. Usually he liked spicy foods but it must have been a little too spicy for him since he face turned red and smoke could have been shooting out his ears if it wanted to.

I gave him some water and stuff for him not to be spiced out anymore and it worked. After a while and him meeting my parents I drove him home. "Thank you for bringing me here Noah! It was fun to meet your family" I smiled and when I got into his driveway I kissed him.

Yeah we were kissing in a car but it was romantic. I could see his mom looking down at us from his window upstairs but eh I didn't care. We pulled away and said goodbye to each other.

Once I saw he got inside safely I drove away to my house. Everyone was telling me how much they loved Cody and how my dad was gonna build a cupboard of spices Cody liked for when he came over and how my mom was gonna start planning for our wedding.

I didn't mind because I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life and I felt that he was the one but already? We're barely seniors but alright.

I finished my homework and set up my trophy from todays match on my shelf with my other ones. I loved today a whole bunch but then I started to fall asleep.

Done. |688 words|

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