Square dancing pros

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|High school AU again|

It was a normal day at Wawanakawa high. Noah and Cody had the same period of PE which was 6th periods. They had all they're classes together except for 1st and 2nd!

Noah had this ginormous crush on Cody while Cody had the same feelings for Noah but they didn't know. It was time for PE and they got to the locker room. They got changed into they're PE uniforms and Noah couldn't stop looking sf Cody.

Noah finished getting dressed and went inside the gym for roll call. He sat next to Heather during roll call while Cody sat on the other side of her. Heather and Cody talked and talked which made Noah a little jealous.

After roll call the coach told everyone to sit in the middle of the gym. Once everyone did he announced what they were gonna be doing for the next couple of weeks.

"Alright people! Today we're gonna do square dancing" those words shocked everyone. "Were uneven so I'm gonna have........Cody! Be a girl for this dance" Cody was shocked at what he needed to do.

They got into groups and Noah's group ended up going with Cody's group and they picked they're girl and the only partner left for Noah was Cody. He sat next to Cody and sat so Cody was in his left like everyone else.

(I used this song for my square dancing unit💀💀)

When they gave us a demo on how to start the dance Noah immediately knew how to do it but Cody looked like he was a pro at square dancing!

The coach had everyone Stand up and he started the music. At first it was a little confusing but the only one there that did know how to do the dance was Cody.

The part Noah kept messing up on was the "Right a left gran" when he would give everyone his right hand and ruin the whole dance up!

The coach saw some arguments in the corner of the room from a different group so they took the extra given time to practice the "Right a left gran". Cody showed Noah to use his right hand to left to right to left and then give Cody his right hand to spin and walk with him.

It was really Confusing for him but he ended up getting the hang of it. Noah's favorite part of the dance was dance 10. It started with facing your corner (The other person beside you) and doing an "Alabama left" and then a "Right a left gran".

The class ended and everyone went home since it was 6th period.

Should I make another part of this?|453 words|

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