Total drama reunion

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|Smut warning|

Noah's pov:

I was getting home from work and saw I had gotten mail. I never usually got mail so it was a little suspicious. I took the mail inside my apartment and opened it.

Inside was a letter that said "Dear Noah sterecra, you have been invited to a Total Drama Reunion. Meet at ________ at ____ tomorrow"

I felt a little weird about it but decided to go. The next day it was finally time and I got ready. I mostly hated everyone from total drama except one person....

He was so special to me to would do anything to be with him! I arrived to the place and saw my old friends and the person I loved most! Cody was still definitely adorable still.

He looked pretty single but I can't just guess! I sat at his table with Alejandro, Heather, and Gwen.

I didn't really know what to do but just get into the conversation they invited me into. For some reason Cody kept looking at me which made my heart flutter. Did he like me? Did he ever like me? So many questions were going through my head right now.

I had a little of champagne and Cody drank some beer. Gwen drank vodka along with the Alejandro but Heather couldn't drink because she was pregnant?! It was kind of a shocker since all over her instagram it was photos of her and Alejandro and of her at party with a drink.

Cody got drunk a little and he got up from his chair and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me to the bathroom and it wasn't a stall one but a very large bathroom with a toilet and a sink.

"Pleaseeee" He said in a begging voice "Please what?" I said actually curious. "Please fuck meeeee" I turned pink and my eyes widen "W-What?!" "Pleaseeeee I want youuuu" I take back saying he was a little drunk...

I sighed "Fine..." Cody got happy and kissed me into a passionate kiss. We undressed ourselves and kept kissing. I put him of the floor and had him suck my fingers which he did very hottly.

After a while of him sucking my fingers in inserted them into him. He moaned as a thrusted them into him. His moans were so high pitched and it was obvious he was enjoying it a lot.

After a while I lined myself up with his hole. He nodded and I inserted my shaft into him. He gasped and I started to thrust into him. He moaned and whimpered which were like music to my ears.

I went a little faster which he liked a lot "A-Ah~" "Noah *Moan* Harder~" I did as he said and his eyes rolled behind his head. I was close and he definitely was too "I'm close! I'm so close!" He said before releasing his load onto me. I released my load into him and god that was the most amazing sex I've ever had in my life.

He licked every single bit off of me and then licked the tip of my shaft teasingly. He stuck the entire thing in his mouth and sucked onto it. I didn't expect him to suck me but I wasn't complaining. "Oh god Cody...I would have never thought you were this good~" I guess those popsicles in world tour were practice.

After a while I released my load into his mouth. He swallowed it and licked his lips. We got dressed again and left. I drove him home and he kissed my cheek when he got out the car.

When he closed the car door and opened his door to his house I drove away and saw a paper on his seat. It was his number and the second I got home I put it into my phone.

That was the best thing I could have ever done.

I cringed a little writing this💀| 660 words|

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