Part of your world...

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Cody's pov:

I was swimming to my palace when I saw that there was a sound coming from out of the water. I knew I wasn't allowed but I was curious! I peeked my head out the water and saw colors in the sky that popped!

It was coming from a boat with loud music and popping colors! I went back into the ocean and went to the boat. I heard the music more clearly and looked into the boat. I saw a pretty boy...He was reading on a barrel with a crown sliding off his head...

I looked at my crown snd noticed how different they were? His was gold with jewels on it and mine was a teal aqua with pearls and it was more bigger. Was he a prince? He was so pretty...I was taken out of my trance when a yellow dog ran to me and licked my face.

I giggled and he ran to the boy. He licked his arm and barked. "What's up boy!" The boy said rubbing the dog, the dog looked at me and barked. I went into the water and when the boy looked at where the dog was barking at he brushed it off.

I Swam back to the palace in a rush. When I got inside the palace I started gigging. Did I like that boy? I barely knew him though! I was taken out of thought when my sisters Bridgette, Lindsay, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, and Izzy started to laugh.

"w-what?!" I said in embarrassment. "Ooooo is Cody in loveeee???" Gwen says sitting on her vanity chair. I nodded and they squealed. I couldn't possibly tell them! Dad was okay with gay people but if I say it's a human he'll know that I went to the surface!

"I'm gonna go to bed! Good night guys!" I said swimming to my room and falling asleep on my clam. I woke up to the sound of screams. I looked around the palace and nothing! I went up to the surface and saw the ship of fire?!

I dashed to the scene and was so scared...So sad for the people.. everyone got onto small boats and rowed away but I noticed...That boy! He wasn't on any of them. I went back down into the ocean and saw him falling into the dark. I grabbed him and swam back to land.

The sand was warm...It felt weird to be fully out of water...I got him to start breathing again and I talked to him. I saw him open his eyes very slowly and sprinted into the water. His butler in guessing found him where I left him and took him back to his palace.

I hid behind a rock while this was happening. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to be in land with him...

I needed to become human.

I went back to my palace and went back into my clam before dad noticed I was gone. I was gonna try it. I was gonna try and going to that sea witch...I think her name was Emma? I don't know but I heard she was evil??

That morning I ate breakfast and went to the sea witch. She said she would let me become human if I gave her my voice. I didn't know if I should...I did anyways. And then I became a human!

I swam to surface before I drown but I had no clothes on! I had to be in a sheet but I made it fashionable. The boy he was walking his dog. He saw me and I couldn't talk! Oh and I made a deal that I would how the sea witch money if she still gave me my voice so I still have it!

"Hey, what's your name?" The boy asked holding his golden retriever dog, "Cody! I'm cody" he smiled and sat next to me. "Well I'm Noah, prince Noah" he was a prince! I knew it. "Well can I take you back to my palace? We can get you out of this...Sheet" he says walking with me to his palace.

They took me in and gave me clothes and food. It wasn't normal food like what we had in the ocean but it was delicious! I had mistaken a silver pointy thingy for a brush and I felt so stupid! After a while we hung out a lot and I soon became his boyfriend.

I was so happy with Noah. I wouldn't have even expected me to be this happy! But I needed to tell him some time and I found the boat ride perfect. "Hey Noah?" "Yes hon?" He says holding my hands which made me blush. "I need to tell you something..." I said looking down. He lifted my head up by my chin and to have me look into his eyes.

"What's wrong? I'll fix whatever it is!" He says smiling at me. "I'm...I'm a merman..." his eyes widen and then he smiled. "That's okay, I still love you" I said before kissing me. I kissed him back and I felt like I was a whole now.

After about a year we got engaged and then married. It was the happiest I had ever been in my life. I was able to tell my dad about being on land and stuff and he allowed it. He and my sisters were so supportive and after 4 years we adopted a baby named melody.

She was perfect and I wouldn't change my life for anything else in the entire world!

I love my family, my friends, my new life! Everything was perfect in every shape and form.

Part two for life with melody??|976 words|

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