If I cant have you...No one can.

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|Gonna do a Noah and Cody version but rn Cody version. ⚠️VIOLENCE, KIDNAPPING, AND JUST EVERYTHING IN YANDERE SIM|

Cody's pov:

I had just came back from total drama and back into school! I spotted him...Noah...He was the boy of my dreams...I would do anything to be his boy... I hid behind a tree and watched him enter school. He was fixing his uniform and after he went in a Dark blue haired girl followed behind him. I clenched my fists as I saw her go up to Noah and complain to him about being too late when they walked to school together.

She sounded very bratty like I would never complain or get mad at my beautiful Noah...I noticed she was twirling her hair as she talked to him which made me madder. I felt my eye twitch as I watched them. "Well, I made this extra lunch because kitty didn't end up going to school today so you can have it!" Emma says handing Noah a black bento box.

I should be the only one giving him food! I thought to myself. I went to get to my class since it was on the second level of the school. When I was in class I knew I needed to talk to my friend Sierra. She knew everything about everyone and I needed information about this girl!

Break started and I went to a secret place she was at. I did a knock password we had and the door opened. "Whatcha need Cody!" (Let's pretend Sierra isn't obsessed with him) "Can you look up this girl?" I said handing her my hello kitty phone case phone to her. The photo on the phone was a picture of Emma when I was sneaking on her.

She went to her computer and did some clicking. She opened a app and transferred it into my phone. "Her name is Emma ___, she lives on ____Lane with her parents and her sister kitty. She's best friends with Noah, also known as your pookie-" I felt my fists turn into balls again. "And she had really good grades...I can change that obviously and looks like her and her sister are new to this school!"

I wasn't normal. I never was. I had this thing where I never felt emotions like a normal person. But when I met Noah that all changed! Apparently that happened to my mom too and my ancestors too! I felt like I needed to eliminate her. I needed to do something so she doesn't end up with my love of my life.

I thanked Sierra for the information and tried to follow her around school. She was always followed by her friend. While I was spying on her I spotted Noah reading at the fountain. I took a quick picture and went back to spying. Apparently she had a crush on Noah and was gonna confess to him on Friday after school.

I needed to do something! Even if that means killing her. I finally found a moment to strike! It was lunch and I had some rat poison in the garden shed. She left her bento unattended and I put it in her food and mixed it around but also in a familiar position it was in before. While I was eating my lunch I sat right infront of her.

She took a bite from her food and after a few minutes started to hold her stomach. Soon she ran to the bathroom and I went after her. I didn't care if I was a boy and I couldn't go into the girls bathroom no one would know!

I found her throwing up and I found it the perfect moment. I stuck her head into the toilet tense she screamed and screamed but it was all muffled. I kept her face into the toilet water and soon she stopped moving. I laughed and kicked her body. I knew I needed to hide it to I took it into a trash bag and went out to the garden.

I saw a woodcutter machine and smirked and looked at the black trash bag. I put a bucket at the end and made sure no one was near. I undressed the body and she felt cold. I felt victory! I put her into the woodcutter and turned it on. Piles and piles of blood and dead skin coming out into the bucket. It stopped and I smiled and laughed. I dug her clothes and blood in the far corner of the school and the crime was done!

Friday after school I put a note into Noah's locker telling him to meet me at the blossom tree at the back of the school. Obviously I didn't say it was me but a secret admirar. I quickly went to the tree and heard Noah. He tapped onto my shoulder I turned around facing him. "Oh hey Cody!" He said happily. He knew my name?! He knew my name! Well of course he did we were in total drama together but anyways,

"I needed to tell you something..." I said looking at the ground. "Oh what is it?" He asked while smiling at me. I took a deep breath and told him. "I have a big crush on your Noah...And I was wondering if you would want to be a couple...?" I said blushing. He started to blush too and he nodded. "I wanted to tell you that for a long time." He said putting his hands on my waist and looking down at me. I blushed a little more and smiled.

Soon we both leaned in and we kissed. It was the perfect moment ever. The blossoms falling from the tree and the beautiful sunset. I felt like I was in a movie! I felt so special. Soon we pulled away and smiled. "I love you codster" he said before kissing my cheek that made me blush.

"I love you too Noah it all"

ITS DONEEE! |1009 words|

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