1. A New Home

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Welcome back to MELF book 4!

It is super super important to have read book 1-3 to understand this one so please follow the order and otherwise enjoy!


A towering wave rolled over the ocean. Dragging over the grey depths to leave its white patterns akin to splintered marble. As it grew grander and grander before the cliffs, it tried with all its might to take down the giant of rock. To rule and consume all there was.

With a deafening sound, the brunt connected with the black wall of jagged edges. The water couldn't permeate their perimeter, washing away before it might get speared on sharp trims. As it pulled away for a grander and more vicious attack, the land held fast against the raging of the storm.

Eternal enemies, they kept slamming into each other as long as the winds blew. And the winds on the Cliffs of Zephyr were never-ending. Their frost yanked on Yeosang's branches as if to tug his every last leaf off him and leave him bare and shivering. The ribbon tied to his crown fluttered with it, dancing as a speck of colour before the bleak layers of stormy grey.

The dryad huddled closer into his blanket, protected by his bark and warm mosses. The sight across the stormy skies was breathtaking. As the sun tried to crack through, singular beams of its golden shine tickled across the surface of the raging sea. The wind howled around the caves dotting the steep cliff wall, almost as loud as the rushing water.

Until the next impact. This place was too far up to get hit by the spray, but Yeosang kept a mindful distance either way. He knew some people who loved playing with this risk. Had seen gryphon-borns with their wings folded soaring at the depths to catch themselves at the last minute. Had fretted over gryphons shooting straight into the waves to pierce them by sheer muscle strength, so easily broken to pieces if they weren't careful.

No, Yeosang was happy up here. Alone with his thoughts before a world that seemed to end with every storm, only to come back to life once the clouds withdrew. It gave him hope he may experience a similar renaissance.

Time had passed, but this land struggled to return to its original beauty. The changes were so subtle. The nature whispered quieter. Fewer fairies frolicked in the forest. And the stars lost just enough of their shine to be present but give no more blessing.

The cliffs had stayed the same. Laughter and drunken bellows filled their meadows and hazardous rocks. Kids danced with equal amounts of courage in their hearts and foolishness in their minds. It was peaceful. A place healed after the grief haunting them for so long.

But Yeosang couldn't see it. His eyes were overshadowed by his permanent mourning, and he believed the winter in his heart would never lift.

In the Night of Starfall, when the Crystal Empire gasped its last breaths, Yeosang had lost the person most beloved to him. His best friend. His king. His husband.

The war had been devastating. The rivers coloured with blood. The stench of death and smoke poisoned the air for weeks. After the bitter betrayal of the demons and the lack of a new ruler, the empire split apart into its singular kingdoms. No one could keep them. Friends turned into foes without the gentle guidance of the celestial elves until everyone closed their borders and no one trusted each other anymore. The orcs fought along their marches, against the humans and titans, but they had been weakened. Yeosang heard they got pushed back. Returned to their brooding for the next devastating strike.

Their emperor had disappeared with the dragon he summoned in his last moments. If he were alive, he would never return from the claws of this greedy creature. From that day on, the elves went into hiding and everyone fell into despair. Missed the beauty of their wise emperor to steer them.

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