30. A Royal Scandal

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Everyone gathered their belongings after another night of rest. Mingi's call had finalised their resolution.

They would seek the Crystal Sphere once more. Try to penetrate its gloom and make it to the ruins of the castle. If the legends were true, Seonghwa awaited them there, trapped in the maw of a slumbering dragon.

Morana was exhilarated to see the place she belonged, even when she knew it wouldn't be the same. She whispered to Aodhán while the others packed their bags and her brother warned her to listen to the adults. Even if something riveting happened, she shouldn't be swayed. He told her she might hear so many voices there. Even understand the animals. But she had to stay strong while their uncles and fathers sought the one they missed so much.

Pebble sat by their side, looking oddly defeated. Her moss looked lifeless and Morana figured it would need sunlight to be pretty on her. Morana felt great after the few days in the warm cave, but Yeosang also noticeably wilted.

Yunho and Buddy were also glad to leave the eternal winter of the Ruby Glacier. Hongjoong packed the fastest, for obvious reasons.

After Wooyoung, San and Mulberry brought everyone outside and back onto the cliff, the trek began anew. Fresh snow covered their footpath from last time. Mingi's breath was white in the air as he tilted his head to the overcast sky. He didn't shudder, looking mighty in the snow that melted around him.

Morana slipped her hand into his shyly.

"I will guide you," she offered, and Mingi peered down at her. In the light, he looked less scary. His skin and hair were dark like a beautiful night and though Morana was puzzled by his tail since she didn't have one, she wasn't scared of him anymore. Tentative affection blossomed between them so easily. Mingi held her fingers with gentle caution.

"Thank you."

On his other side, Yunho did the same with more conviction for the demon's safety in case he stumbled. He had Aodhán on the other hand, and together, they looked like one happy family. Morana grinned from ear to ear beneath her hood.

Holding onto her father, Morana didn't get cold. She got to look at the mists hovering among the towering mountain giants and the trees bending under the weight of the snow. She was nervous about the future, unsure how to act around her real parent. But Yeosang and Wooyoung silently cheered on her, and Morana knew she would always have her best friends with her.

Onyx sailed overhead to inform them once they left the territory of the dwarves. Pebble was carefully restrained in Mulberry's saddle bag, looking defeated anew.

Travelling with so many people was a lot of fun. Morana could hear Wooyoung bickering with Hongjoong and watched the swish of San's cape dancing through the air. Couldn't they always be like this? Together, exploring the world?

But no. They were hunted. Morana shouldn't forget that. Danger lurked around every corner and while she didn't know what was after her life, she also didn't dare risk finding out.

Mingi's shadow fell over her, protecting Morana from the sun checking up on them. Aodhán's hair lit up like a torch to glow like spun gold, and Yunho helped him put on his hood.

"Morana, what... What do you like to do?" Mingi asked her, and Morana thought about it. She never had been asked such a question and was flattered by it. Though they had been apart for so long, Mingi cared about her and wanted to learn.

Having a father was so much fun.

"I like to watch Wooyoung fly around with Mulberry and I like to fight."

"To fight?" He repeated, looking alarmed. But Morana played it down with a snicker.

"I always feel so powerful when I win. My belly cheers for me."

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