12. Old Friends Return

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Yeosang and Wooyoung awaited them in the entrance hall. They already greeted their visitor, who stood out against the brightness of the palace. Morana stretched her head to see better as she descended the stairs by San's side, feeling dwarfed by the towering height of his wings. Two women joined the unlikely pair of her uncles and though they didn't laugh together, Yeosang and Wooyoung looked relaxed to welcome them. When they noticed San near, the duo backed aside to greet him into their circle.

"Your Majesty," the nymph to the right addressed him, adorned with more colours and fabrics, so Morana assumed her to be the queen.

"Queen Lillwen," San greeted back, affirming her suspicions. He guided Morana on her shoulder, keeping her by his side as she was introduced to the group. Out of stubbornness alone, Morana wanted to pull away and stand by herself, but the stare from those fathomless black eyes had her reconsider. Awed, she stared up at the two fascinating beings.

The scent of the sea accompanied them with a breeze of sea weed. Their clothes were woven from it, tucked together with shells and pearls. Lillwen donned a crown of coral, decorating her long, luscious green hair with it. A timeless beauty blessed the nymphs. Made them lofty and ethereal, as if floating in nothingness. At the same time, their gazes seemed ravenous.

"Morana, these are Queen Lillwen of the Singing Swamps and her diplomat Wynn," San introduced them, beckoning to each nymph respectively. Apparently, Morana was too infamous to need to be named. Lillwen scrutinised her with those lifeless eyes. Their black was like Morana's, yet so haunting.

Awed by her beauty, Morana gave a nervous nod. Her reward came in the form of spindly, webbed fingers that stretched out for a greeting handshake.

"You grew up into a gorgeous girl, princess of the elves. Do you remember me? You once visited my kingdom."

When she spoke, the tips of sharp teeth appeared between her pale lips. She didn't smile, but Morana could tell her interest was genuine in those murky eyes.

Morana touched her cold skin. It seemed perpetually moist, but smooth to the touch, like the skin of a lizard. They tentatively shook hands, and Morana's heart hammered in her chest. She had probably never seen such a lovely person before. Or well, she did. The very same person.

"She was very young back then. She might not remember much," Yeosang supplied for Morana's stunned silence. Immediately, she shook from her trance before Lillwen could look disappointed.

"I remember the pretty lady," she argued, even if those memories were blurry. Back then, those same eyes had examined her. Morana remembered the shimmering colours of their clothing, the elegant dance of them in the water.

Lillwen hadn't aged in those years. And her intrigue with Morana was the same.

Pleased by her defence, Lillwen stood. Morana's cheeks felt warm when her attention lingered on the girl.

"You are always welcome for another visit to my court. We promised our loyalty to the empire and hope for the return of the elves. You would make a marvellous new empress."

Morana? Becoming empress? No way. She wouldn't be like Seonghwa. But having an ally like Lillwen sounded magnificent. She was a queen, terrifying and beautiful. Perhaps Morana could be like that? They could become closer friends then, and Morana could visit her court.

Helpless with the warmth on her face, Morana just nodded. She clutched restless fingers into her dress, rarely so robbed of words.

Yeosang helped her out once more, and the soothing familiarity of his voice sheltered the girl.

"Time will tell. As of now, she remains hidden from all perils."

Upon San's beckon, they climbed the stairs to delve deeper into the palace. Wynn also shook Morana's hand with a delighted twinkle in her eyes, whispering a compliment about her horns. Morana whispered back that they had beautiful dresses. Then she continued staring at Lillwen in awe.

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