35. The Treasury

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The singing swelled in volume as Aodhán guided the group further into the earth. His stride was confident, proud to have become their leader. Everyone else charged along at their impatient pace, with madness glimmering in their eyes and urgent expressions tightening the lines of their faces.

Morana ran along on her shorter legs, even when every step brought more torment. The noise wouldn't leave her mind, and her heart raced in her chest in terror at what awaited them. Everything inside her yelled to leave and that this was unnatural.

Had her uncles been sane, they wouldn't have stormed right ahead. But as if possessed by the same spell, they scrambled into the darkness, following the lure of a song that wasn't supposed to be there.

Morana wouldn't leave them behind. She held Mingi's hand, and she hoped with her entire soul they would be fine. That her uncles could fight for the kids tormented by a magic that didn't attack adults.

They would, wouldn't they?

But when she peered at Yeosang's face, pale and frightened in the dim light, she wasn't so sure. Whatever haunted them, it robbed them of all thought behind their eyes. Yeosang completely disregarded the order of his blossoms, leaving them to wilt and more mushrooms to sprout in their stead, matching the dry tunnels trapping them deep.

If enemies were to come from behind, they were entirely cut off. Nowhere to go but forward.

Not that any of these experienced warriors wasted a thought on it. They chased after the glimmer of light surrounding Aodhán, blind and deaf to anything else.

Morana was scared.

They made it down another incline, and Aodhán didn't hesitate to pick his path around a curve. However, after a few steps, his light suddenly flickered and fizzled away in his hand. Darkness shrouded the puzzled boy and in response, Hongjoong intensified the glow of his palms.

"This will be a headache," the sorcerer muttered as he joined Aodhán's side, providing enough light for him to see. Everyone crowded closer together, wary of losing someone in the dark while they bolted down the endless tunnels.

Morana was cosy in them, but not under the torment of the wallowing melody. It bore straight into her being, formed words she didn't understand, and stirred up her thoughts and feelings as if controlling her.

Aodhán seemed so unbothered. As if glad to have found noise deep in the earth. It wasn't a distorted sound. Just so terribly wrong, so deep in the earth. Like a ghost haunting its grave and trying to lure the living into its deadly embrace.

"Why can't I use my magic anymore?" Aodhán asked, helpless when he tried to spark flames with his fingers, but they wouldn't comply. Worried he messed up, he peered up at Hongjoong, but the sorcerer patted his head with reassuring fingers.

"That means the dragon is near. It is more powerful than you and you don't know yet how to tame your power to stay in your bubble. Don't worry. Mine may not have as much reach, but it will last."

Perfect. Maybe if Hongjoong lost his powers, the others would have been alerted enough to leave, but the deceptive shine stayed.

Would he still be strong enough to save the group if they got attacked? If the dragon tried to eat them?

Morana doubted it.

Yet, they continued pushing ahead. Further to the misleading voice until it was no longer in the depths but on the same level as them.

Morana could barely breathe. She was so scared of what they might find. Would a dragon lure prey in this way? It would also need to feed, like anyone else, right?

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