38. Prison of Crystal

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First, Jongho thought these visitors would be more foolish orcs and that the dragon would rampage against the diamond encasing Seonghwa once more.

But the dragon didn't stir as the voices drew closer and soon, Jongho could see them.

All of them, alive and healthy. Breaking down in tears when they realised Seonghwa was still here and Jongho saved him.

Time had passed and Jongho barely recognised the two children. He was upset to have missed out on their growth, but he also brightened with energy when he realised what their coming meant.

Hongjoong was with them. He only needed to figure out what happened and what he needed to do, then things could return to normal. Seonghwa was safe, no harm came upon him. They could all be together again.

Jongho wanted to call out to them and tell them he had protected their beloved elf in the name of the group. He wanted to explain to Hongjoong how he could undo the spell and that no one would get hurt.

But his voice no longer worked in this form.

Jongho had to watch in silence as they crumbled down one by one at the vision of the elf encased in crystal, still in time yet living on. They must have thought him dead for a long time. Seonghwa's kids, so grown and looking like him more than ever, stifled their sobs in helpless hands.

Jongho wondered if they would attempt the same needless brutality as the dragon had tried to free Seonghwa. Or if they would even realise it was Jongho holding the elf.

But Hongjoong was wise for his age. He knew what he was doing.

Within seconds, his magic realised what Jongho was, and a smile decorated his pinched face, easing its lines. While he explained to the others, Jongho took them all in, finding them different in the long years that had passed since their last meeting.

Hongjoong himself hadn't aged a day, but he recovered from his injuries from the last time Jongho saw him. His wit was quick and his power tangible even through the thick of Jongho's current skin. It was in the nature of a golem to respect all magic-users since they were their creators. Whenever Jongho talked to him, he was deeply awed by the gift in Hongjoong's blood. Jongho couldn't create life, but Hongjoong could do it in so many ways. He could step through the air, he could make fire and ice, and he could protect everyone from dangers without lifting a hand.

Since Hongjoong had many talents Jongho didn't have, Jongho thought they would be unbalanced, and he was fine with that. But whenever Hongjoong talked to him, he didn't regard Jongho as a weapon or a tool for defence. More than by Seonghwa, who loved everyone, Jongho was flattered by the mage accepting them as equals.

Yunho didn't have his dog with him, which was worrisome. Jongho liked to play with his furry companion, even more so after more and more animals and kids joined into the bunch. Where had he gone?

San and Wooyoung looked how Jongho left them. Worn from their loss, but largely in one piece. Not accounting for San's hand, which was still missing. It was the one that always carried his sword and embraced Seonghwa. Could he still do those things? Jongho lived well without hands, but he knew how to.

Mingi had changed. He wasn't unrecognisable since his body language was still the same. He hovered behind the kids, listening with his head lowered as the others caught him up. But he seemed out of proportion. He didn't have a tail before, nor hooves. His horns had grown and so did the rest of him. What Jongho thought a thick fur coat around his shoulders was grown to his skin.

There was a story there and Jongho wanted to hear it. Where had they been all this time? Did they spend time with each other? Did they think about Jongho?

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